Chapter 14

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"Clea? What the fuck?!" Brooke and Rayn were standing over me as I peeled my eyes open. "I thought I'd find you here, I had a feeling I knew what you were planning to do." The sun was beginning to peek over the horizon. The atmosphere was lit softly, I could see their disappointed expressions. I was cold and started to shiver from the cool dew soaking my clothes. 

"We need to get you out of here before Chelji comes out." Brooke lent her hand to me and I was pulled up successfully. We made our way to the car in the driveway.

"I'll drive your car," Rayn said to me. "Brooke will drive you home." He extended his arm for my keys, I pulled them out of my wet pocket and dumped the keychain in his palm. "Thank you."

"Rayn?" I stopped him, sadness still adorning me.

"What is it?" I hesitated, trying to find the words. Do I really want to know the answer?

"Is Gus in there?" Brooke and Rayn exchanged nervous glances before Rayn swallowed hard.

"He...he is, Clea." 

"I knew it," I said, sadness consuming me for the kill. "I don't want to be here anymore." I confessed to the two of them.

"What do you deem as here?" 

"" tears fell into my lap. "Can you really blame me?" They both shook their heads.

"You did what you had to, hun." Brooke wrapped an arm around me and squeezed tightly. I hugged her back, sobbing into her arm. How did everyone know he was cheating except me? How did I miss the signs?

"Okay, I can't take this anymore." Rayn exclaimed. He then swiftly marched up to the front door of Chelji's house. 

"Rayn, what are you doing?" Brooke tried to follow but I held her back.

"I have a feeling you are going to want to stay in the car." I rested my hand on her belly. "Keep the both of you safe." She watched Rayn with hawkeyes, but she understood. We found each other's hands and held on tightly.

Rayn was pounding on the front door for 15 seconds straight before a figure appeared in the doorway. It was Gustav. I knew this only because Rayn shot his hand out and grabbed the collar of his shirt, yanking him forward and out of the house. Gus stumbled to the ground. Rayn kicked him in the gut.

"What the actual hell is wrong with you?" Rayn yelled at him as if he were scolding a dog. Gustav just looked up at him in astonishment. "How could you cheat on Clea once? How could you cheat on her twice? How could you continue to do it?! You broke her heart, Peep." Gus was silent, saying nothing. He refused to defend himself. Perhaps he knows he is in the wrong. 

"What the hell!?" Chelji ran out of her house in just a long shirt and a thong. Gustav's shirt. I couldn't take it anymore.

"I want to leave." I told Brooke.

"I know, honey." She stroked my hair. "I do, too." Our attention focused back on our men engaged in a fight and the hoe trying to break it up.

"Get off of him!" She yelled, swatting Rayn away from Gus. "Leave him alone!"

"I won't." Rayn decked the now standing Lil Peep in the jaw.

"You piece of shit, get off of my property!" Chelji took a swing at Rayn and her fist connected with his nose. He stumbled backward, cradling it. Brooke squeezed my hand.

"That fucking bitch. I am going to kill her." Before I could get a good grip on Brooke to stop her, she was already running full speed toward Chelji. "Keep your hands off of my man!" Brooke leaped and tackled Chelji right into the bushes. There was a deafening scream and I couldn't tell which girl it came from, but then Brooke stood. "Go to hell you stupid cunt. C'mon Rayn." She grabbed her man's hand and they ran back to the cars. Gustav was too concerned with Chelji to even notice that I am here and I had just witnessed this all go down.

Hatred bubbled inside of my blood vessels.

Rayn peeled away from the curb just as Brooke pulled out of the driveway swiftly. We headed back home, but I don't want to go there. I don't want to go where Gustav and I used to sleep in the same bed, where we kissed and made love, where we had a unique way with one another. I knew he was becoming distant, but I never guessed it was for this reason.

"How did all this happen?" Brooke inquired after we were driving at a steady speed ont he highway.

"I got a horrible idea, asked a horrible person to help me, and ended up with a horrible result."

"That doesn't tell me shit,  but okay." She shrugged. After she was given time to mull over my phrase she asked a one-word question. "Jaim?"

"Yes." I was still crying silently so that Brooke wouldn't notice or be too concerned. "After we vandalized the house, she struck me with a bat. I hit my head on the concrete and knocked myself out. That is pretty much the all of it that I know of."

"I am so sorry about all of this." Brooke offered.

"Why?" I asked. "You haven't done anything wrong."

"Not yet." A tear rolled down her face. "I fear that I will one day, everyone seems to be screwing up." For some reason, in that moment, I wondered if she knew about Rayn and Bexey and the feelings they hold for one another. I would want someone to tell me. I wish someone had told me about Gustav's affair.

"Brooke," I took deep breaths. "I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" Am I going to regret this or feel better about it later? She still deserves to know. I prepared myself for the worst.

"Rayn doesn't love you. He confessed his love for someone else." I waited for her response, whether it be audible or physical. She just kept driving. "He needs to be here for you in this time, he is a part of that baby's life." She reached down and rubbed her own baby bump, still focused on the road.

"Why can't men just be honest?" She asked me. "Why do us girls have to find things out ourselves or from other people? Why is he trying to leave me?"

"I don't know, Brooke. I don't know the answers to any of your questions at this moment."

"That's okay. I don't expect you to." She started to sniffle. "Clea, sometimes I don't want to be here either. In London...alive."

I got a whim of a gut wrenching feeling. Our lives are taking a turn for the worst.

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