Chapter 6

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     The next day was Monday. Melanie worked at a real estate office, but her mind wasn't on her job. She couldn't help thinking about Kerri. She had said next time they got together they would do something to blow her mind. She couldn't wait to find out what it was. She resisted the urge to call her during the day, but that night at home after she had finished a quick dinner, she reached for the phone and looked up Kerri's number in her contacts list. She was about to make the call when it chimed with an incoming call. It was Liam.

"I've been thinking about you all day, babe," he said, "When can you come over? Tonight?"

Melanie wanted a night at home tonight. She had to prepare herself for Kerri. "I'm sorry, Liam, not tonight. I'm really tired. Maybe tomorrow night."

"Okay, babe. But I'm really missing you. How was your day at work?"

The phone buzzed showing an incoming call. Melanie looked at the screen. It was Ken.

"Sorry Liam. I've got another call. It's my mother," she lied, "I'll see you tomorrow tonight."
She quickly disconnected Liam's call and answered Ken.

"Hey sweetie," he said, "I've got the night off tonight. How about we get together?"

Melanie used the same 'I'm tired tonight' excuse. "What other nights do you have off work this week?" she asked.

"Wednesday and Thursday," was the reply.

"Can we make it Thursday?" she said. She was hoping to spend Wednesday night with her new girlfriend.

"Okay I suppose so. Why can't we make it Wednesday?"

"Ummm, I promised Bethany I would go and see her on Wednesday night." The lies were starting to come so easily now.

Ken sounded disappointed, "I'll try and wait till Thursday then. Love you sweetie."

After he hung up Melanie finally got to call Kerri. "Hi sexy," Kerri said, "I am so looking forward to seeing you again. I could come over tomorrow night."

"That would be great," Melanie said. Then she remembered she was going to see Liam tomorrow night. She would call him and change it to Wednesday night. She was going to have to write out a schedule and stick in on the fridge so she knew who she was seeing and when.

"Have you done what I asked?" Kerri whispered seductively down the phone.

"Not yet, but I will," Melanie answered feeling herself tingle.

Half an hour later she lay soaking in a hot bath. When she finished she grabbed her razor, added plenty of soap and proceeded to carefully shave off all her pussy hair. When she finished, she rinsed and dried herself, then added moisturizer. She ran her fingers lightly over her vagina area. Soft and smooth. She looked at herself in the full length mirror. She was now a complete baldie. Hmmmm, not bad. She definitely looked sexier now. What was Kerri going to do to her body tomorrow night? She could hardly wait.

The following day seemed to take forever to finish, but finally it was knock off time at work. As soon as she got home she prepared a quick dinner, then ducked into the shower. After toweling herself off she moisturized everywhere so her entire body felt soft and smooth. She put on a robe with nothing underneath and waited. Kerri arrived at eight o'clock.

"Take a seat," Melanie said, "I'll get us a drink of wine to get us in the mood. White wine okay?"

"I'm already in the mood, sexy," Kerri murmured, "But okay, let's have a drink first. White wine sounds good."

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