Chapter 3

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     Melanie's friend Bethany picked her up half an hour later. Bethany was the only one of Melanie's friends who knew about her double life. As they were driving to the mall she dropped some startling news. "Guess who's in town?"

"I don't know, who?"

"Your sister. I saw her at the mall yesterday."

"My sister? You mean Chloe?"

"Well yeah. You only have one sister."

"Did you talk to her?"

"She just said hello and said she would try and catch up with you before she goes back home tomorrow."

As if on cue Melanie's phone chimed. It was Chloe.

"Hi sis," Choe said, "I'm only in town till tomorrow morning. I'm busy tonight so how about we have lunch? Sorry about the short notice."

Melanie thought quickly. She was having lunch with Liam today.

"I've already planned to have lunch with my boyfriend," she said, knowing how lame it sounded.

"Well how about I join you? I won't intrude for long. As soon as lunch is finished I'll go and leave you with your boyfriend. I'd like to meet him anyway."

"Well ummm...." Melanie quickly thought again. Liam knew her by her real name so it would be okay. If it had have been Ken at lunch today should would have to cancel since he knew her by her sister's name.

"Yeah okay. Rose's Café at one o'clock. See you then."

Later over coffee in the mall Bethany asked Melanie how things were going with her two boyfriends.

"Well they have no idea each other exists," Melanie replied, "Liam knows me by my real name and Ken knows me as Chloe. Neither of them knows where I live. I always meet them at a bar or at their flats. I have different regular cafes or bars that I go to with each of them so there is no danger of one of them walking in and seeing me with the other one."

"Sounds like a dangerous game to me," Bethany said, "What if you get caught?"

"Yeah I know it's a juggling act, but Bethany it is so worth the risk. Two sexy guys to do it with. Hell sometimes like last night I have sex with both of them in one night. I think the thrill and the danger of getting caught is like an aphrodisiac. I just makes me want both of them more."

Bethany shook her head, but reached over and took Melanie's hand. Mel, I don't know if I'm disgusted or envious," she said, "Ha ha! Maybe a bit of both."

Later as Melanie sat down with Liam in Rose's Café, Chloe arrived looking a bit flustered. She sat down and Melanie introduced them.

"This weird thing just happened a couple of blocks from here," she said, "I was on my way here and this guy starts calling my name from the other side of the street. I looked across and he's waving at me like I'm his best friend or something. He yelled out to me to wait and he ran back up the block to the lights so he could cross, but they had turned red, so he had to wait. Anyway I didn't know this guy from a bar of soap so I decided not to wait around for him. He could've been a stalker for all I know. So I made a quick dash around the corner and up here to the café."

"What did he look like?" Melanie asked, suspicion dawning on her.

"Tall, well built, dark wavy hair."

It was Ken, Melanie thought. It had to be. Chloe had a similar hair style to her, and from across a busy street they probably looked exactly alike. Just as well Ken hadn't caught up with her. He would have realized it wasn't his Chloe, but she may have dropped that she had a sister who looked like her and that could have had him asking her awkward questions.

"Oh he must have just mistaken you for someone else," she said.

"Someone else who has the same name as me?" Chloe muttered.

"Co-incidence. Well let's have a look at the menu," Melanie said, trying to change the subject. 

As they read the menus, Melanie happened to glance up at the windows and froze. There was Ken walking slowly past the café. He slowed down at the door, and for a moment it looked like he was coming in, but he appeared to change his mind and kept walking. Melanie put down her menu and took a deep breath.

"You okay there, sis?" Chloe asked.

"I-I'm fine," Melanie managed to stammer, "Just a bit tired, that's all." That had been a close one. If Ken had come in and seen them......" But after she calmed down strangely she started to feel aroused. Nearly getting caught by Ken was making her feel horny. As Chloe chattered on about her life Melanie slipped her hand under the table and rested it on Liam's groin, feeling satisfied as she could feel the growing bulge of his cock.

An hour later after they had finished lunch and Chloe had said her goodbyes and left, Melanie gave Liam a sly look and murmured, "Let's go back to your"

He smiled knowingly at her. "Afternoon sex? Why not."

Liam knows how to give Melanie a good time.
Find out how much of a good time in the next chapter, but please vote first.

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