Part 11

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We all went to YZX restaurant. We all met Ikon members. Me and Yunhyeong was talking mostly. Jungkook was not looking so happy but I don't know why.

                  Jungkook p.o.v

Y/n and Yunhyeong was talking so much from the beginning. Yunhyeong was flirting with y/n which I hate. Then I saw Yunhyeong was going to sit beside y/n but I ran there and sat beside y/n. Yunhyeong looked surprised by my action.

                      Y/n p.o.v

Yunhyeong was going to sit beside me but Jungkook sat in his place. Yunhyeong was looking surprised my his action then he sat in front of me. Then Yunhyeong said

-Y/n why don't we exchange our numbers? So we can know each other better.

I was going to say but Jungkook cut me of by saying

-Y/n doesn't use phone.

I was looking at him with a what expression.

-But I just saw phone in her hand.
-Thats her official phone. She doesn't have her personal phone.
-Oh. Y/n are you free tomorrow?
-Bts have a fan meeting tomorrow so I am not free.
-Day after tomorrow?
-So do you want to go out with me.

From my side eye I saw Jungkook was glaring at me and Yunhyeong. Then we finished our lunch and went to our dorm.

                   In the dorm

We reached in dorm and and now we was watching television. Then Jungkook called me in our room I went there. Then Jungkook pinned me in the wall and said

-Why did you agree to go out with Yunhyeong?
-He is my friend so I can go out with him.
-But you will not go?
-Because I said so ( He said in a scary tone. I gulped and nodded.)
By the way we are going out tonight wear what I gave you.

                      Time skip

Now I was getting ready for the date with Jungkook. I look like this

 I look like this

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