Chapter Two: Proposing and Getting Married

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They went on many dates for two years and on every date, Kagome has a smile on her face with blush. He loved that about her and he's thinking of making her his wife.

They are on a date to an amusement park. Kagome went to a Fairy Floss stall and she looks back at Sesshomaru with puppy eyes and he smiles at how cute she can be so he bought her one. She enjoyed it and with a 'Mmm' and he knew that she would enjoy it.

When everything is closing, Sesshomaru said to her that they should go to his house and relax but Sesshomaru has other plans in mind.

As they are walking to his car, Kagome asks him why her.

Sesshomaru: Why I did choose you instead of the other girls?

Kagome: Yeah, I mean am I special in some way that made me attractive to you?

Sesshomaru: Yes you are special but in a most beautiful way.

Kagome: Huh?

Sesshomaru: Come on, let's go to my place and get warm

Kagome: Yeah, okay.

Kagome and Sesshomaru arrive at his place and the car stopped and enter the garage.

Sesshomaru opens his door, then he went over to her door and opens it for her. She got out of the car with a hand in front of her and she clasps it. She got up and he pulls her close to his chest leaving her to gasp at the feeling of his chest. He shuts the door with a slam making her jump and make a 'eek' sound.

He smiles. Sesshomaru opens the door to his house from the garage and he is such a gentleman. Kagome loves when he acts like a gentleman to her making her think that he's not bad.

Sesshomaru: Water?

Kagome: Yes, please.

Sesshomaru went into the kitchen where the ring is on the bench and he is going to propose to her.

He also has a present, a frame of both of them eating ice cream smiling.

He smiles at the thought of her reaction when they have been dating for a two years now and he really want her to be his fiancée.

He grabs the ring, the present and the water that she requests for.

He enters the room to see her looking the photos of him and Inuyasha as kids. Sesshomaru probably is the taller one and the older one whilst Inuyasha is smaller and younger. She laughs and looks at others with a smile.

Sesshomaru: Here's your water and I have two things I want to give you since we've been dating for two years now

Kagome: Alright. May I see them?

Sesshomaru: It's better when you sit down.

Kagome: Sure.

Sesshomaru led her to the couch. She sits down with etiquette and he is in shock but shrugged it off because he has other plans for tonight.

Sesshomaru: Now I have things to give you.

Kagome: Okay, then what are the presents?

Sesshomaru: Open them.

Sesshomaru gives her the present and she rips it open making a mess on the floor.

When she looks at the present, she gasps and looks at him with a smile. He knew she would love it.

Kagome puts it on the table and runs to him then hugs him with happiness. She squeals and giggles at the present.

He kneeled on one knee on the floor in front of her and says the most beautiful words.

Sesshomaru: Now Kagome, I know it's been two years since we started dating and time does fly when your having fun. I just want you to be happy with me and I know everyone would always stare at us but I don't care because I love you Kagome. So would you marry me and be my beautiful wife?

Kagome is in shock for a few secs but she shouts.

Kagome: YES! A million times yes!

Sesshomaru stood up fast and pulled her close then kiss her passionately leaving her to sigh in happiness. They part and Kagome pants a little then says.

Kagome: I love you Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru: I love you too my beautiful princess 👸.

She giggles then she pulls him into a kiss that he will absolutely treasure for years.

Kagome looks at the ring on her ring finger and she smiles happily. She says with a smile.

Kagome: Sesshomaru, this is beautiful.

Sesshomaru: No you're the most beautiful one here.

Kagome: *Blushes* No you are. You are the most beautiful creature on earth.

Sesshomaru: Damn Kagome, now you're making me blush.

Kagome: *Giggles* Payback.

Sesshomaru: Now come here Princess.

Kagome: *Giggles* You have to catch me first.~

Sesshomaru: *Chuckles*

Sesshomaru runs after Kagome in his house and he manages to catch her first by wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up in the air. She squeals as she felt arms around her waist and smiles. She laughs and says.

Kagome: Put me down!

Sesshomaru: Now that I caught you, what should I do with you?

Kagome: Kiss me.

Sesshomaru puts her down and she turns around to see Sesshomaru smiling.

Sesshomaru: Gladly Princess.

Sesshomaru cups her cheek and kisses her with passion. Tongues swirling with each others and they moan.

Sesshomaru picks her up and Kagome wraps her arms and legs around his waist and his neck.

He sits down on the couch and she sits on his lap. She puts her fingers in his long white hair and scratched her nails against his scalp leaving him to groan.

Sesshomaru: *Groans* Princess, god that feels good.

They kiss for a few more minutes then part away. They pant and breathes heavily.

Kagome: Sesshomaru? When could we plan the wedding?

Sesshomaru: Anytime you want.

Kagome: Aww, thank you Fluffy.

She smiles and laughs not knowing what she just said but he did. He didn't mind it at all, he even likes the new name she has given him. He smiles.

Teacher and Student: Sesshomaru and KagomeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora