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Tia's POV

"Tia! Time to get up!" Mom yelled from the kitchen.

I groaned. The sun glistened through my window. The nice lively heat grazed my face.

"Uhhhhg..." I groan, "I don't feel like it."

"Celestia Lillian Anderson, downstairs, now!" Mom said in a strict tone.

I dragged myself out of bed and flung open my wardrobe. I put on my athletic shorts and a t shirt.


Dad: I'll pick you up at the airport at seven PM my time zone.

I groaned.

"Another summer skipped in Colorado," I groan.

Many people envy me for being able to travel to Hawaii every summer, but it's quite the opposite.

I mean the entire summer away from your mom, your friends and everything you've known throughout those ten months of the school year. The first month its fun until it gets boring.

I put on my converse and tied my dark hair into a pony tail. I grabbed my suitcase as I trudged down the stairs.

"Good morning mom," I say.

"Good morning hon, you look beautiful today," she smiles.

"Thank you," I say throwing a pop tart in the toaster.

"You excited for your trip?" She asks me.

I rolled my eyes, "it's the same ever year, I have a nice boring life with none of my Colorado friends."

"Listen honey, I know that you love Colorado as much as I do, but court orders aren't lenient," she says.

That's very true. Since my parents got divorced as of two years ago, my mom lived on her own. My father moved to Hawaii for a "fresh start". I like living in Denver very much, the big city, artists, pride parades, everything. My father was different. He hated the snow and city so when he had the opportunity to leave, he took it.

"Besides, once you come back, it'll be in time for college at CU Boulder," she smiles.

"You got everything Tia?" My mom says.

"Yes mom," I say, "thanks for driving me."

"No problem, better than paying parking at DIA, right?" She smiles.

I grin. I've been such a momma's girl since I was born. My mother has just helped me through so much in life. My dad and I just don't bond that well. I always thought if I were born a boy, would we be better? Who knows.

"Call me once the plane lands, okay?" Mom says.

"I'll definitely call more than once mom. Trust me," I say as I approached the gate.

"Goodbye honey, I love you," she says hugging me.

"Goodbye mom," I say, "I love you more."

"Go have an adventure!" She says.

I gave my boarding pass as I walked onto the plane.

I sat down in my seat, put on my sleeping mask and travel pillow and fell asleep.

Have an adventure huh? We'll see.


"Ladies and gentleman this is your captain speaking, we are to inform you we will be landing in Hawaii in a minute, please stay seated and buckled in until the captain takes off the light above you, thank you for choosing Southwest," the captain says.

I flinch as the plane hit the runway coming to a halt.

"You May now begin to exit the plane in an orderly fashion!" She says.

I groaned as I stretched out my arms. I grabbed my backpack and placed my sleeping mask inside. Once I got off the plane, my father's blue eyes met my brown eyes.

"Hey Tia, I've missed you kiddo," he smiles.

"Dad, I'm eighteen, I'm not a kid," I giggled hugging him.

"This is my girlfriend, Lucia," he smiles and the blonde woman, "she has a daughter a year younger than you."

"Tia," I says shaking her hand.

"Well, lets get going," he says.

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