Chapter One: Welcome Home

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Hello beautiful people, thank you for choosing to read my story.

I try my best to make it as good of a story it can possibly be.

I have quite the wild imagination. Most of the stories I write are based on dreams I've had, I know, it's weird. I just add more detail and make it longer.

Also, I will say this many times throughout the story and I also put it in the description.

I AM NOT AUSTRALIAN. I live in the US so I don't know Australian terms. So I apologize in advance if I used the wrong term or messed it up. You might find some American terms mixed with Australian terms. It's not to confuse you I promise.

I wanted the story to take place in Australia since that's where the boys are from and it would make it seem more real and probably more likeable.

If you're from Australia and I used a term wrong please feel free to correct me. It can help me learn and make the story better :) Or if you see I used the American term, just comment the Australian term.

This is mostly just for the school system since I know nothing about it. Just from what I've read in other fanfics.

Most of you will probably skip over this, I know I would. But thank you if you did read it.

Now lets get to the story boys and gorls :P


"Come on May, don't be a chicken."

"Luke shut up I can't do it."

"I did it, so can you, come on the view is amazing up here."

He had longer legs, of course it was easier for him to climb that high. As for me, I hadn't really grown that much. I was probably the tiniest third grader you've ever seen.

The tree was also old, there were a few branches that had snapped off when I began to press my foot onto it.
I wasn't a chicken, I was just being cautious, because falling from a tree and breaking a bone was not in my plans for today.

I grabbed onto the nearest branch I could find, it was right near my head. It looked pretty sturdy, I mentally told myself, even though it really didn't. But Luke climbed up this branch so easily it should be fine for me. I wrapped both my hands onto it and pulled myself up. I was lying across the branch on my stomach when I heard the snap. I looked up and Luke, fear burning in my eyes, but of course he wasn't paying attention to me, he was looking out at the apparent amazing view of our surrounding city right outside of Sydney.

The branch snapped some more. I was so petrified I couldn't even form audible words. I searched my surroundings for any branch I could grab for support. There were none.

This is it.

This is where I died.

Just kidding. But it did feel like death when I hit the ground. I shattered my knee cap and broke my wrist. It was not a happy day for May Santillano. Luke felt terrible. He came to visit me in the hospital with his mom, Liz. He gave me a big teddy bear, and when I got out of the hospital he got me our favorite ice cream, mint chocolate chip.

Another surprise I found when I came home from the hospital was that Luke's dad had cut off all the dead branches of the tree and had began to build a treehouse.

That became our little haven. The following five years I had with Luke we mostly spent in that treehouse. We would get back from school and race each other to Luke's backyard and climb up to the treehouse. We would stay in there until Liz called for dinner for probably the third time. She had to practically drag us out of there. If we could, sometimes we would sneak our dinner up there too. Other times my dad would have to climb up and drag me out to come home. We had our own secret message too. Our bedroom windows faced each other so late and night Luke would shine his flashlight into my window I knew to meet him in the treehouse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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