The Pokémon Museum (Chapter 2)

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"Good Morning everyone!!" I said as I got out of bed. Our Hotel room had two separate sleeping areas, one for me and my brother and the other one for Allen.

"Why did you have to get us up so early? It's like one in the morning!" Christian said as I shook him awake.

"Actually it's ten o'clock in the morning. Different time zone than Houston. We all just forgot to change our watches. Now let's go get some breakfast." Allen said with a yawn.

"Why didn't we go yesterday when we arrived?" Christian said when he finally got up.

"Because we got here when it was almost dinner time. We wanted to spend an entire day at the Pokémon museum, remember?" I asked him. I got dressed in a similar outfit that I had on yesterday. It feels kinda weird that yesterday is technically today all because of the International Dateline.

When I was done in the bathroom, I noticed both Christian and Allen had the same idea as me. We all had the similar thing on from yesterday.

I got out my purple purse, grabbed my rental car keys, my phone, my 3DS, and my wallet and joined them in deciding what to have for breakfast.

"Maybe this hotel has a dining hall? The last hotel I was in did." I said as I sat next to Allen.

"Well, let's go see," Allen said.

"I'm not staying here by myself.," Christian said as we walked out the door.

I locked the door and slipped the card key into my wallet.

——————-30 minutes later——————-

"That was good, now I'm ready to go to the Pokémon museum," Christian said as I went to pay for our meal.

"First I have to get a map to get to the Pokémon museum," I told him as the waiter told me that the food came with the room. I'll have to remember not to tell Allen or Christian about that because knowing them they would get enough food to feed an army. "Let's go to the receptionist to get a map. Allen, you will read the map and tell me where to go. And if we are lost we will ask for directions. What is with men and asking for directions?"

——————-30 minutes later——————-

"We're are finally here. At least we didn't get lost." I said when I parked the car.

"About that. We took a wrong turn but at least we got here safely." Allen said as he folded the map.

"Well let's go in and look at the maps of the Pokémon regions and other Pokémon stuff," Christian said as I locked the car.

As we walked towards the museum, I heard a weird noise. I could have sworn I heard a Pokémon! I must be hearing things because Allen and Christian didn't seem to have heard it.

We spent the next half hour going through the museum and looking at the abstract art of Pokémon. I was amazed that there were some people were more crazy about Pokémon than me. When we were done we stopped by the gift shop and bought a lot of Pokémon merchandise and some gift Pokémon for me and Allen.

As we approached the parking lot I heard the same noise. This time Allen and Christian did hear it.

"I thought I heard something when we arrived," Allen said as I looked around for the source.

"You too! I thought you didn't hear it!" I said when I looked up at him.

"Unless we're all going crazy. I heard it too!" Christian said as he tried to find the source with me.

"I think it came from this direction! Follow me!" I said as I heard two more noises.

We ran in the direction that I heard the noises coming from. We ran for what seems like forever until we came up on three Pokémon. They looked hurt so we put them in our bags and went back to our hotel. Whoever hurt them might come back and hurt them more.

We got into our room and gathered our stuff just in case we had to run. We grabbed some towels and put the hurt Pokémon on them and bandaged their wounds.

When we finished we brought them into the family room area of our hotel room. It was then I recognized the Pokémon, they were Pokémon from the Kalos region, Fenniken, Froakie, and Chespin. We had our pets with us and we watched some TV.

We were about to go to bed when, suddenly, a bright light entered the room and it was coming from the Pokémon. We grabbed our pets and gathered together before the light dimmed and we went flying into a world that few ever know exists.

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