"It did help find him," Mike shouted back.

"Find him? Where is he, then? Huh? I don't see him," Lucas says sarcastically, looking around for added effect.

"Yeah, you know what I mean," Mike says with an eye roll.

"No, I actually don't," Lucas says to him, "Just think about it, Mike. She could've just told us where the Upside Down was right away, but she didn't. She just made us run around like headless chickens."

"All right, calm down!" Dustin says, getting in the middle of Mike and Lucas, only to be pushed back to Lucas.

"No! She used us, all of us! She pretended to help just enough so she could get what she wants," Lucas shouts, "Food and a bed. She's like a stray dog."

"H-hey that's uncalled f-for," Tee finally steps in.

"You're the exact same!" Lucas shouts at Tee.

"Screw you, Lucas!" Mike shouts at him, as he sees Tee's eyes rim with tears. She blinked them away quickly.

"No! Screw you, Mike," Lucas shouts back, "You're blind, blind because you like that a girl's not grossed out by you. So you'll do anything for Tee and who she cares about! But wake up, man! Wake the hell up! El knows where Will is, and now she's just letting him die in the Upside Down," Lucas rants out.

"Shut up!" Mike screams, his face red from anger.

"For all we know, it's their fault," Lucas continues, looking over at the two.

"Shut up!" Mike shouts again.

"We're looking for some stupid monster... but did you ever stop to think that maybe they're the monster?" Lucas finishes, looking at Tee and El. Tee was mad and upset, she'd done everything in her ability to help, and this is what she got. Mike seeing the hurt on her face, became even angrier.

"I said shut up!" Mike shouted; tackling Lucas to the floor. Lucas started to hit Mike back, just as angry.

"Stop!" El shouted from next to Tee.

"Knock it off, you idiots," Dustin shouted as they continued to fight.

"Stop it!" El shouted again.

"Mike, get off!" Tee shouted, as she saw Mike on top of Lucas.

"Stop it!" El shouted for a final time. She screamed, a loud scream, that sent Lucas into the air and flying him into a piece of metal, knocking him out cold.

"Jesus" Dustin shouted, running to Lucas, Mike following quickly. Tee turned to El with wide eyes.

"What d-did you just do," Tee whispered, staring at El with wide eyes. El just stared at Lucas with wide eyes, "El?"

Tee ran over to try and help with Lucas, as did Mike and Dustin. Mike looked over at El, anger clear as he stared at her in disgust.

"Why would you do that?" Mike screamed at El as Tee checked to see if Lucas was still breathing, "What's wrong with you?"

"Mike-" Tee started, not liking how Mike was screaming at eleven. She didn't have control.

"What is wrong with you?" Mike screamed again.

"Mike-" Tee started again.

"Shut up!" Mike screamed at Tee, pushing her off as she tried to put her hand on his shoulder.

"Mike, Stop it," Dustin glared at him, "can you do anything Tee? To wake him up?"

Tee shrugs, glaring at mike quickly before putting her hands on Lucas' arms. She entered a little shock, and Lucas sprung awake.

"Lucas," Dustin spoke with relief as Tee let go of Lucas's chest. Lucas stared at Tee for a moment, almost thanking her as Mike spoke.

"Lucas, you okay?"

"Lucas... Lucas, how many fingers am I holding up?" Dustin spoke, but Lucas was just staring at Tee, "Lucas, how many fingers?"

"Let me see your head," Mike spoke, trying to touch his head when he slapped his hand away.

"Get off of me!" Lucas snaps at him.

"Just Lucas. Lucas, let me see," Mike says as he tries to touch his head again.

"Get off of me!" Lucas says, a sadness clear in his voice as he stood up and started to walk off.

"Lucas, come on," Mike goes to walk after him, but Dustin stops him.

"Let him go. Man, let him go," Dustin says to him. Tee looks over to check on El, only to see she's not there.

"Where i-is El?"

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