Part two, ?

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  unce upon a time julian2 and wisteria mon were sittin on a treh until theh most beautiful bepper wlaked past origanlly julian2 married wister moon and aparri was jellous and bepper marryes julin2 and dey have 38493284739824793284798324782364582737891273632846832497u658973461892 childnren and eveyrhting is awursome and we love dem and u love tpo read dis and so beopper sats down and cradles her 374960213892093820947875032948740932 childrena nd wisteriamoon looks over and sees me, 1Hatchdaegg6661, da(t my usename) and i am nuww the nbest to i marry julin2 2 and mwe runa way to a univerese and iwster imon still had jgills (if u red da past fanfic, if u want to real it it it called w rlly eciting must red fanfic)m ad so dey a;; dunching and everyhitng gret and we liv to red dis and i walk into my house and see jiulian2 sitting dere polaying my compptuer and eating my chips and listenig to spech and he pulls out telephone (which is mine) and Jiulian to comes to me and kisses wisteria mun and i scream an say u hurt beoppers feeling s and huw abut you stop kissin wisteria and get back to better teh must beautiu and den i send him bak to bepp and tellr her abut dis and she slap julian2 and dey leave.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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