Chapter 3: Meet Tyler...Your Son

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Chapter 3: Meet Tyler...Your Son

Andy awoke on a couch. At first, she had no clue as to where she was, but once she took a good look around she realized where she was; Ellina and Elliot's house. The question why was she here? Then it hit her. She'd come over here to see Aaron and then she ended up yelling at him. She had left Tyler with Ellina. Oh God, Tyler! Andy was up in a flash, the blanket she had on her flew up before settling on the ground.

"Morning, Sunshine." Elliot said behind her. "You probably want to get home, huh?" Andy nodded. "And I don't suppose you want any breakfast either."

"No thanks, El. Um. Thanks for letting me stay the night." Andy started to head to the door, grabbing her keys off the table on her way out.

"No problem." Elliot responded after a huge yawn. He looked like shit. Andy guessed that be probably hadn't slept because of Ellina's absence, knowing that Ellina probably had that same issue.

"I'll, um, try to send Ellina home. As much as I love that she's sticking to my side, she'll throw off Tyler's and my whole routine." Elliot laughed. Imagining the two-and-a-half year-old pouting over the fact that Ellina was "taking up his mom time". He'd heard it all before even though Andy spent basically all her free time with her son.

From down the hall Aaron could hear every word that the two were sharing, he'd woken up hours earlier and had been waiting until he'd heard voices to get up. When he heard the door shut he chose to emerge. "Done eaves dropping yet?" Elliot asked, not bothering to look over his shoulder as he cracked eggs into a pan.

"Yeah. So um, Andy and Tyler have a "routine"?" Aaron wanted to know what it was, but at the same time he didn't. He figured it to be something dirty.

Elliot still wasn't vaulenteering any information. "If you want to know about Tyler so bad ask Andy. I've told you this already. Why won't you listen to me?"

Aaron huffed. Not wanting to get into another argument, he announced that he was going to take a shower.


Andy took a deep breath before opening the door to her apartment. She wasn't so sure if she was ready to face all the questions Ellina would hurl at her.

She was right about Ellina and the questions. As soon as she shut the door Ellina was buy her side. "Oh, I was so worried! Are you okay? What did Aaron say? Did Elliot protect you? He better...Have you told Aaron about Tyler? What-"

"Shh." Andy put her finger on Ellina's lips to keep her from saying anymore. "I mainly just yelled, and then humiliated myself by falling apart on the ground. Elliot made sure I was okay. I'm done talking about it for now."

Ellina pursed her lips, wanting to argue, but she didn't. "Come on, Tyler is in the kitchen. Did you know I hate my last name sometimes?"

Andy let out a small laugh and followed Ellina to the kitchen so she could see her son. "I think I've heard you mention that a time or two. But why do you?" Andy had a feeling she knew what the problem was. She used to tease Ellina about it back when Elliot and Ellina first started dating.

"I was trying to talk to a person so I could straighten out this problem of people billing my credit card for things we didn't buy, and I had to talk to a stupid computer."

A smile crept up on Andy's lips. Oh yes, she knew exactly where this was going. "Okay. Continue. Hey, Ty. Do you want to go to the park today?"

"Yes!" Exclaimed the little boy.

"Good. Eat you cereal then we'll get you ready."

From behind her Ellina continued on with her story. "And it would ask me to say my name, so I'd be like, "Ellina Helter" and it would repeat back, "You said Ellina Hitler, is that right?" And I just wanted to break the phone to pieces! It took forever to straighten out, but it did. Finally, thank God."

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