Chp 7

66 0 1

tanya pov

it was morning, when we woke up it early really early i thought to myself as i got my. horse ready for the morning, i had gotten my brown leather saddle on the horse. the blanket under the saddle and the ropes  was on the horse also. the apes had finished getting ready i was slow this morning i could not fall a sleep due to the fact. i had nightmares of my father, the past abuse that me and nova had to go though. i thought as i climb on my horse and i headed out of the stable there was the horses and the apes. there was phoebe , joining us than cesar spoke up " let's go" he said roughly than we started to travel by following cesar. as we rode his son, blue eyes was close to me.

i smiled at him sweetly and caring i thought to myself as i rode, i look around in the background. the tall beautiful pine trees covered with snow that been snowing. here, as i felt the cold as i rode. i kept my coat close to my skin to keep me warm, i felt the wind started to pick up whip my hair around. i hope that we find shulter soon from the cold winter air and weather.

~~~~phoebe pov

it was afternoon when we made out of the deep woods, than into the open land whatever. state it used to be, now it was a empty land that survives and we travel out though the land trying to escape the soldiers of the Alpha-Omega and general hand. i thought deeply as i saw the large gorilla that was riding next to me. he had a large white horse it was a beautiful one, i thought as i kept riding.

i smiled at him, as i noticed the snow
started to snow heavy and hard, the wind. started to get bad, when i heard cesar said something " we't...see" i agree with him. as we try to see through the snow storm, than we saw abandoned building, we luckily tie the horses to the tree before going in the building. was a abandon hotel, it was worn down but it was beautiful, i thought as i walked around. i heard that gorilla was walking around, than i saw that he had started a fire in the fireplace, that help us to keep warm for the might

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