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Ding dung!” What's that, An odd jingle? I don't recognize the sound but I'm frozen in place a few feet from the ground. I looked to the left and looked to the right but could not see any discernible cause for me to be in this predicament. Could it be that I am stuck here forever? To my surprise, the lack of general gravity was quite uncomfortable in my current position. I lingered there for several moments just to the point where I began to question my reality and why this is happening until… “Ding Dung” Thrown forward almost immediately following the questionable jingle I was just as quickly thrown back to top speed. To be honest I was distressed and truly alarmed by such a jarring instance but nevertheless I raised my sword to the sky and called to the dark mountain.  “I will complete this quest asked of me!”

“Beep Beep Hmm Beep Boop Hmm” Making good time and even better progress the treeline faded away into a much wider pass. In the distance I could see my first obstacle, a deep chasm which split the entire mountain in half. However, my constant forced pace made sure I had little time to think with the inescapable demise I was about to face, my only option at this point was to try and jump it despite the obvious assessment that it is too far to cross. Bracing for a long hurdle across I poised to jump, for several steps off the edge I continued to run almost as though an unknown force was holding me up for a longer jump than usual. Leaping off of this nonexistent force I easily cleared the jump and hit the ground with a prominent “Duh”

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