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"Richieee! Stop it!" Eddie whined as Richie splashed water on him and in turn the sandcastle that they'd been working on for the last 40 minutes, Stan had rolled over onto his back and was quietly watching his boys play around in the water. Eddie chased Richie into the cold ocean and pushed him over so he fell on his ass an got his hair wet.

"You bastard!" Richie shrieked and stood up, he lunged for Eddie but Eddie ran through the water and jumped on to the blanket.

"Hey! Don't get the book wet!" Stan yelled, quickly throwing the bookmark in and placing it to the side. 

"Sorry, babe, had to escape near death" Eddie told him, laying on his back. Richie approached and laid on the other side of Stan.

"You won the fight, but I'll win the war." Richie assured the now cocky Eddie. Stan rolled his eyes and interlaced his fingers with both Richie's and Eddie's. Eddie leaned over ad kissed him on the cheek which made Stan blush and try to hide a smile.

Both Stan and Eddie had never been fans of showing affection in public because of the somewhat looked down upon nature of their poly relationship. It first started with Eddie and Richie, they were hanging out watching movies one night, cuddling like they always did and Richie suddenly just kissed Eddie. They started dated after figuring out that they'd shared a mutual crush on each other for years. One night Eddie arrived at Richie's house to find him crying in his bedroom, when Eddie asked what happened Richie confessed that he liked Stan and he was so sorry and he didn't know what to do. Eddie was shocked but not angry because he too had a crush on Stan. They decided to confront Stan about it and for a while things wee awkward, Stan needed time to think it over and stopped talking to Richie and Eddie for almost 3 weeks. Then he came to Richie's house when Eddie was over and he laid all his emotions on the table and asked them if they wanted to date. They started dating but kept it very low key, it was awkward and bumpy and unfamiliar at first, they didn't know how to act around each other, they didn't know if it was ok to have a date with one person at a time or if that was wrong. 

Two months into the relationship they all sat down and had a serious talk about what was ok, what made them uncomfortable or jealous, what they liked, what they wanted and ultimately if they still wanted to be in a relationship. The boys were now 10 months strong and were happier than ever, and they were all so in love with each other. They didn't want to tell anyone about their relationship because people would think it was weird, they hadn't even told the rest of the losers club. Richie was fine with telling anyone and everyone, but Eddie and Stan not so much. They were fine with being affectionate on this trip because they were 800 miles from home and they would never see or care about anyone here ever again. Richie was pretty sure Bev knew about their relationship, when they were all at the park Richie and Bev were sitting on a bench smoking while everyone else was messing around on the playground, Richie was watching Stan and Eddie swing together and Bev simply said "Ya'll are cute together." 

"We should probably get out of the sun for a while, we can go to some of the shops if you guys want." Stan suggested sitting up and facing the boys. He pushed his hair back and wiped his forehead. Richie groaned and flipped onto his stomach.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm gonna burn if I don't get out of the sun." Eddie agreed and stood up, he stretched his arms up and sighed. He picked up Stan's book for him and put it in his bag then tugged the blanket out from under Richie so he could fold it and put it in the bag. Richie rolled off the blanket and shielded his eyes from the sun. He sighed and grabbed his shirt from the spot next to him where he threw it when it got too hot to keep on, he threw Eddie his and they both put them back on.

"I was just getting comfortable." Richie huffed and crossed his arms. Stan rolled his eyes and brushed the sand off his clothes.

"Well that sucks, will you be less cranky if you get shaved ice?" Stan asked putting his arm around Richie's waist

"Always." Richie said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. 

"Ok, let's go." Eddie announced throwing the backpack over his shoulder. They walked off the beach to the strip of little shops and restaurants, at one point Eddie-who was walking in between Richie and Stan-grabbed both their hands, it was evident that he was becoming more comfortable showing affection to both boys at once. Richie and Stan shared a look of surprise and smiled at each other. Stan leaned in and gave Eddie a kiss on the top of his head, and Eddie blushed.

They walked through the crowded sidewalks and one of them would occasionally suggest going into a shop, they couldn't seem to agree on a place to go. Eddie wanted to go to one of the typical tourist shops so he could get people gifts, which Richie and Stan absolutely didn't want to do. Stan wanted to get sushi which Eddie hated, and Richie just wanted shaved ice. They were walking for about 10 minutes when Richie saw a shop that interested him.

"Wait guys look. We should go in there." Richie suggested pointing at a shop called Mythic Treasures. 

"Oooh yeah, Stan can we?" Eddie asked 

"Sure." Stan shrugged. They walked into the tiny shop and were immediately hit by the scent of lavender. There were shelves full of crystals of all shapes and sizes, shelves of candles, a large bookshelf, a table with little jars of herbs on it, a table of tarot cards and lots of other witchcraft related items. Stan went to a table that had a crystal ball and some rings and necklaces on it. Richie went to look at the tarot cards and Eddie went to look at the crystals. Eddie had recently gotten very into crystals due to Bev, she got him one for his birthday and ever since he's started collecting them. An older lady walked out of a backroom and greeted Eddie

"Hi, is there anything you need help with?" The lady asked.

"Yeah, what is his crystal called?" Eddie asked picking up a small light blue, almost white crystal.

"Oh, it's celestite. It's said to be soothing, calming, and bring good dreams." 

"Oh ok thank you." Eddie picked it up and walked over to Richie who was still looking at the tarot cards. Richie was running his hands over them and trying to see which one stuck with him. Eddie laced his fingers with Richie's ad leaned his head on the taller boy's shoulder. 

"I think I 'm gonna get this one. You like it?" Richie asked, holding up a dark purple box with a grey label on it. 

"Its cute, are you gonna do readings for us?" Eddie asked

"Of course." Richie smiled and walked to the counter where Stan was chatting with the worker. While Eddie and Richie were looking at their own stuff Stan quickly bought a surprise for them and hid it in his pocket,

"Did you boys find everything you wanted today?" The lady asked. 

"Yeah, thanks! The shop is amazing by the way." Richie told her smiling

"Thank you, are the two of you paying together or separate?" She asked 

"Sure." Eddie answered before Richie could. Richie rolled his eyes and lightly shoved Eddie.

"Ok, it's 25" 

"Thanks!" Eddie handed her the money and grabbed the tarot cards and his crystal to put in his backpack.

"Have a nice day!" The lady told them as they headed for the door.

"You too!" All three boys answered at the same time then laughed, they walked out the door hand in hand and towards the shaved ice kart across the street.

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