"Hello boys. What might you be up to?" The cop was young, in his late 20's maybe. He had a shaved head with brown stubble on it and scruff on his face.

"We're going on vacation to Virginia Beach before we leave for college." Richie explained smiling politely. Stan swallowed hard and Eddie was sat stiff as a board.

"Yeah, a lot of kids are out driving around the country this summer. Where you coming from and can I see your license and registration?" He asked eyeing Stan and Eddie in the back seat.

"Yeah, no problem, and we're coming from Maine." Richie reached into the glove compartment and handed everything to the officer.

"I pulled you over because you got a tail light out." 

"Oh, okay. I noticed it a couple miles back, I'm planning on getting it fixed when we get to Virginia. I'm real sorry about that." Richie told him, talking smoothly and turning on the charm. 

"That's fine, cars these days are shit. Would you boys mind getting out of the car?" He said looking back at Stan and Eddie again. Richie opened his door, got out then waited for Eddie and Stan to squeeze through the broken window then get out the passenger side. 

"Now, I'm not gonna give you a ticket for this because you boys all seem nice enough, but you two gotta sit in the front from now on." The cop told them opening the back.

"Sorry officer, we should've realized." Eddie apologized.

"That's alright buddy, I used to do the same thing when I rode around with my friends." The cop said smiling. He picked up their bags, and shook them around a little bit, like he was weighing them.  

"This is just routine by the way, gotta make sure you don't have any beer, or drugs in here." He explained going to check in the front. All 3 boys looked at each other and swallowed hard at the mention of drugs. 

"Alright, let me just go run your registration and plates then we can get you boys going." The officer told them walking to his car. He came back 5 minutes later with Richie's stuff.

"You guys are good to go, just make sure you get that tail light fixed. Because some other officers will give you a ticket for small shit like that." He warned handing Richie his things

"Will do officer." Richie said smiling and shaking his hand.

"Thank you sir." Eddie said smiling at him.

"Yeah, thank you." Stan added nodding and looking down.

"That's no problem, have a safe rest of your trip." He said getting in his car, Richie, Eddie and Stan all got in the front and buckled up. The cop drove away ahead of them and they sat in silence until he was out of view.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Stan yelled whipping the weed out of his pants and throwing it at Richie.

"I'M SORRY! I didn't think we were gonna get pulled over." Richie shouted looking at Stan. Eddie suddenly started giggling, Stan looked at him with his mouth held open, Richie had a shocked look on his face and he was just staring at Eddie.

"I'm sorry" he breathed out, now starting to laugh loudly "It's just...you had weed shoved in your underwear and the cop" he stopped again unable to control his laughter "the fucking cop was stood right next to you!" He shook his head still laughing. Richie started giggling and it turned into a full on belly laugh, and then upon hearing and seeing his boyfriends laughing so hard Stan began to laugh too. After a couple minutes they calmed down and Eddie wiped tears from his eyes, Stan sighed and leaned his head on Richie's shoulder.

"I'm sorry guys." Richie said looking at them.

"It's fine, I'm just glad you didn't bring any beer." Stan told him, Eddie nodded.

"Yeah me too. Alright, lets get going." Richie started the truck and pulled back onto the highway, they sill had about 9 hours left and if they didn't have any more problems they could be in Virginia by 2 am. They decided to play the license plate game to pass a time, and Eddie kept track of points on his phone. Stan ended up winning, with Eddie at a close second, they stopped for dinner at around 7. They went to some little diner off the highway in Pennsylvania, the food was good and they spent a while relaxing there.

"So when should we be in Virginia?" Eddie asked finishing his drink.

"Well, we've only really been driving for 9 hours, so we have 6 hours left to go. If we leave and don't make any stops other than bathroom breaks we could probably be there by 1 or 2" Richie said making a tower out of the coffee creamers from the table. 

"I could drive for the next few hours and you could sleep in the back." Stan told Richie knocking down his tower just to annoy him. 

"Dude!" Richie yelled in protest swatting his hand away, he put all the creamers back in their bowl on the table "Uh, yeah that sounds good, I'm pretty tired. Can you drive for the next 4 hours and I'll do the last 2?" Richie asked stretching.

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Ok awesome. I'm gonna go to the bathroom then we can go." Richie got up and disappeared into the bathroom. Eddie got his wallet and paid for the meal while Stan went out and got himself situated in the truck. Eddie went out and sat in the front next to him, Stan slung his arm around him and pulled him close. Eddie kissed him and turned on the radio. Richie opened the back and got in, grabbing a pillow and blanket out of his duffel bag. 

"Hey Eds can you plug my phone in up there?" He asked holding his phone and charger through the window.

"Mm-hm. Sleep tight babe." Eddie said. 

"Thanks, love you guys." Richie mumbled already starting to fall asleep.

"Love you" Stan and Eddie said in unison. They chuckled and Stan pulled onto the road, they were back on the highway in 5 minutes. 

*Author's note: Sorry this chapter was kind of short and a little bit shit lmao*

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