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Richie drove the truck into a Walmart parking lot that was about 10 minutes from the beach, he checked the clock and it read 2:18 am. He sighed and looked at Eddie and Stan in the back, fast asleep and cuddling, Richie decided to just let them sleep and go in Walmart by himself.

"Hey, guys? I'm gonna run in Walmart to get some snacks, I'll be right back." He told them shaking Stan lightly.

"Ok" Eddie muttered turning over and taking all the blanket from Stan.

"Wait, I'll come with you." Stan crawled out of the back, got out of the car and began walking towards the store with Richie.

"Where are we?" Stan asked looking around

"We're in Virginia Beach, like 10 minutes from the ocean." Richie grabbed his hand and pulled him close.

"Holy shit! I'm so excited to go to the beach tomorrow!" Stan exclaimed kissing Richie on the cheek. 

"Me too! We're gonna have so much fun, we can build sand castles an Eddie can collect shells, and you can watch the seagulls." Richie said dreamily 

"Speaking of Eddie, when are we gonna tell him?" Stan asked looking down. 

"C'mon man don't get all doom and gloom right away, we just got here. We'll tell him on the last day here." Richie told him, all the pep gone from his voice, he was dreading telling Eddie, but he knew he would have to and Stan thought it would be better if it were sooner than later.

"Ok, it's not like I want to tell him, but I'd wanna know. Y'know what I mean?"  Richie nodded as they walked into the store, Richie made a beeline for the snack food isle and Stan headed to the bathroom. Richie picked up what were (in Stan's opinion) the most disgusting foods on earth. When Stan came back from the  bathroom he was disappointed, but not surprised at what Richie had in the cart. Richie had Slim Jims, Cheesy Popcorn Puffs, and beef jerky.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You got Slim Jims and beef jerky?" Stan gawked.

"They're not the same." Richie explained shrugging, Stan mumbled under his breath and picked out his own snacks, he also got fruit snacks and chips for Eddie.

"Ok, we ready?" Stan asked walking towards the front to cash out.

"No no no! Let's go to the kids section!" Richie shouted pointing towards the back of the store. Stan smiled and followed him, Stan always pretended that he hated Richie's childish antics but most times he enjoyed them and they made for some great memories. Richie ran into an isle and emerged with a foam sword in his hand.

"Oh really Tozier? You wanna go?" Stan questioned grabbing a sword form the bin. Richie smirked and ran into a different isle. Stan giggled and ran after him, he turned the corner and Richie jumped out, scaring the absolute fuck out of him. Stan swung his sword and collided with Richie's, the foam making a 'thud' sound. They continued hitting each others swords as Richie backed up and Stan kept getting closer. 

"Wait, wait!" Richie yelled putting his hands up. Stan stopped, immediately worried he actually hit him. Richie smiled and ran away 

"You fucker!" Stan exclaimed scrambling to catch up with his boyfriend.

"You'll never get me!"Richie yelled and somehow appeared behind Stan hitting him lightly on the shoulder. Stan whirled around and hit his sword on Richie's, they continued on for several minutes before Stan finally hit Richie's sword just right and sent it lying from his hand. Richie hung his mouth open and Stan smirked at him smugly.

"Alright, you won." Richie admitted putting his hands up as if to surrender.

"That's right I did" Stan pushed Richie up to one of the shelves and kissed him, keeping his hands on Richie's sides, Richie kissed him back and wrapped his arms around Stan's neck. Stan pulled away as if suddenly remembering where they were.

"Let's go." Stan pulled Richie by the hand back to their cart and to the cashier. They paid and headed back toward the truck. When they got there Richie pushed Stan up against the truck and kissed him, Stan was shocked at first but then started kissing back, Richie put his cold hands under Stan's shirt and Stan gasped at the sudden temperature change but then melted into Richie's touch. Richie squeezed Stan's hips gently and Stan moaned in response. Richie pulled away and licked his lips.

"Guess we're even now, huh?" He taunted

"Fuck you" Stan muttered hoarsely getting himself together. 


A/N : Hi! Sorry this so short and sorry I haven't updated in awhile schools been hectic. But if you want more It fics follow my tumblr fruit-snacks-fuck I'm gonna do an October writing challenge where I write a spooky/Halloween themed fic every day, some will be Streddie, some Reddie, some the whole Losers Club

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