"I don't ask a lot from you, Jimin, do I?"

"No," Jimin sniffles.

"Give me some time, maybe you should stay with someone else or I could stay with someone else. Do this for me."

"How long are we going to be away from each other," Jimin croaks out in a hoarse voice.

"Until we're ready, I have to go now," and then the line goes dead and Jimin lets the phone go, leaning his head against the cupboard. He doesn't know how long he stays there, staring at nothing but he's heart broken. He feels like an idiot.

He hears the front door open and he quiets his crying. He's hoping it's Yoongi. "Is anyone here?"


"No," Jimin replies.

The older male walks in, hands stuffed in his pockets and he raises an eyebrow at Jimin who has tear stained cheeks and he's only in his robe. He looks like a mess. "Jesus, Jimin, what happened?"

"Yoongi, he hates me."

Namjoon walks over and crouches down to sit beside Jimin. "He could never hate you, he's in love with you, kid," He says and Jimin looks down at his hands.

"I broke his trust, he wants us to take a break."

"Give him some time, you know he'd never leave you. You guys have been through too much together. You're practically married," Namjoon laughs which Jimin can only giggle in return.

"I guess we are."

"You guys have each other's initials tattooed on your body, if that isn't loyalty I don't know what is," Namjoon tells him and Jimin leans his cheek on Namjoon's shoulder. He feels awful and he just wants to apologize and say sorry to Yoongi, tell him how much he regrets everything he's done.

"To cheer you up, I was just picking something up to bring over to the trap house, if you want to come and chill," Namjoon says. "I won't be able to stay though since I have some things to do with hyung."

"O-okay," Jimin nods.  "I'll go get dressed."

"This is really good," jimin coughs, a whirl wind of smoke escaping past his lips, his head leaned back and resting on the back of the couch, his legs spread. His train thought is off the rails because he's smoked so much weed just to get rid of that sickening feeling he has that Yoongi is done with him.

"Thanks, grew it myself," Taehyung laughs, he's in a similar position as jimin, they're both just staring at the ceiling, having one of their talks where they try to think of deep things and make sense of it all. They're in their own little cloud...of smoke, enjoying the warmth filling and wrapping around their lungs like a blanket. It helps Jimin stop thinking about Yoongi because his mind started being diluted with the narcotics where he doesn't feel sad or devastated.

"Dude," Jimin says, turning his head slightly to look at Taehyung who looks back at him, mouth hung open slightly. "Is the S or C silent in scent?" He asks, his eyebrows knitted.

"Bro," Taehyung says, "I have no fucking clue, but the real question is who closes the door after the bus driver gets off?"

"Oh my god."

The front door of the trap house opens and the two look up, Hoseok and Seokjin walking in and the eldest pinches the bridge of his nose. "You know we need to sell this shit, we'll have nothing to sell, you guys are smoking so much it's like a huge hotbox," Seokjin says, moving taehyung's feet from off the table.

"Oh my god," jimin laughs, "Yoongi and I had sex once while we hotboxed our car once," he laughs out, slapping his knee, reliving the fun time he had with the older even though he feels a slight pain in his chest at the thought.

"Thank you for that unwanted information, I could live without knowing that," Seokjin sighs as Hoseok walks into a back room. "It's really great," jimin winks, "Hoseok and you should try it sometime."

"Hoseok is in no state for any sex right now," Seokjin rolls his eyes, "maybe after he recovers." He then furrows his eyebrows, "how did you even see what you were doing."

Jimin winks at him, "I know his body."

"Jesus," Seokjin groans, shaking his head as he sits in a run down, torn reclining chair, propping his feet up and he sighs. Jimin realizes they don't know about the fight or the break and he feels his heart cinch. He sniffles slightly at the thought of Yoongi and he's glad he's high because he has an excuse for why his eyes are red and watery.

"Is it alright if I crash here tonight ?" Jimin asks.

"Sure? Why?" Seokjin asks.

"Yoongi is doing something tonight and I don't want to be alone," Jimin lies.

"Well, of course you can."

Jimin grimaces but he smiles nonetheless.


Sad uwu

—Sad uwu

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