Chapter 23- Decisions

Start from the beginning

“No. I’m afraid this happened when we were attacked by a pack of Nightshade vampires on our way to find Mara.”

Cecilia nodded, turning her attention back to Mara. “And why was it you left in the first place, Mara Collins? Leaving the grounds is strictly against school policy, as you well know. Unless there are extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe your incident would be covered under that category.”

“With all due respect, Ma’am, I do believe it would be covered under that category. I left for the safety of everyone here. I had just injured Emmett, pretty severely at that, and I couldn’t handle the thought of losing control and hurting someone else, or worse.”

All eyes were on the Headmistress as they waited for her to say something, anything. They knew there was a chance they could all be expelled from the school and they had each come to terms with that on their own. But the suspense was agonizing.

Cecilia Varkov nodded slightly, mulling over Mara’s response. “Well,” she paused, looking at each of the students. “This is not the last conversation we will be having about this. For now, however, everyone will be notified about Mr. Delcole. A student death is a tragedy no matter the circumstance. We will no release specifics on the demise of Zander. I feel it best that he be remembered the way he was. They do not need to know about his- transformation.”

Cecilia turned to Zeldra. “I have made my decision for you, Miss Trekon. You will not be allowed to continue this year at Shadow’s Edge. You are to pack your things and leave first thing in the morning.” Zeldra’s eyes began to tear up as she fought to keep control of her emotions. “There will be a committee to evaluate your part in the situation, but given the information you have presented to me tonight, I have no choice but to enforce this decision in the meantime. The committee will call you in for questioning to determine if you will be allowed to return for your final year of schooling.”

She turned to the others. “As of yet, I do not have a decision for the rest of you, but don’t think you won’t be hearing from me.” She looked at each of them in turn. “I will be calling on the board in the morning to set up a meeting. We will discuss the events and call each of you in for individual questioning. At the time of completion we will reach a decision for each of you. Until then, go back to your rooms. Get some sleep. You resume classes immediately.”

They all nodded and turned to leave Varkov’s office in silence. Zeldra was hurrying off to pack her things when she was stopped.

“Zeldra,” Mara said, pausing and looking at the ground. “Thanks for doing that, really.”

Zeldra half-smiled at her. “I’m just sorry that it all came down to this. I honestly never meant for all of that to happen.” She walked away, going back to her room for the last time.

As everyone else made their way down the hall, Mara stopped once again. “Marx, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Emmett and Trixle looked back at them for a moment before continuing up to the stairs.

They stood alone in silence while Mara tried to think of what she wanted to say. She looked up into his deep brown eyes, and the only thing that came to mind was that she was sorry.

“It seems like I keep apologizing to you and everyone else, but really, I am so sorry. I’m really no good at this whole witch thing.” Her eyes lowered back to the ground.

Marx slid his hand under her chin, gently lifting her head until he could look into her blue-green eyes. “You don’t need to apologize. None of that was your fault.” He paused as his hand moved to her shoulder, gripping it firmly. “Trixle and I will always be there for you. No matter what.”

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