{2} My name is Janis Sarkisian and i am the leader of a great Alien race!

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"You know, 75% of the best selling products where Unicorn products!" The interesting girl said proudly, clearly knowing her statistics once they had crept over the school fence and now walking down the pavement to the mall.

"So, I didn't catch your name." You said shyly smiling at her. She was so confident that you almost felt out of place walking together.

"I didn't throw it!" The girl replied laughing heavily! "But in all seriousness, my name is Janis Sarkisian and I am the leader of a great Alien race!"

"Cool, my name is (F/N) (L/N) and I am not associated with any UFO's or Aliens. In fact, I have no clue about space or time!"

"Or art!" Janis interrupted, "nice to meet you (F/N)!"

You both shared a small giggle until you reached the large glass doors. Stepping into the mall, was like stepping into dreamland! Two large escalators where perched in the centre, surrounded by tables and small potted plants. The occasional Starbucks and a Wendy's could be seen amongst the shops that included, clothes, shoes, stationary, art supplied, soaps, food, dresses, books and bags. There was almost no electric light at all and all of it naturally shone in from the large glass windows surrounding the roof and sides of the mall. The second floor however was filled with fast-food joints, independent shops and dining areas. You could spend a whole day in here!

"Pretty cool huh! I come here a lot with my friends Regina George, Karen  and Gretchen. They usually drool over pink dresses and bags whilst I go and look in that art shop over there." Janis pointed out, "Johns stationary shop is next to it if you would like to check it out!"

"Sure thing!" You said, following Janis, not wanting to be too confident even though you scared her before. Just, Be More Chill!

Whilst browsing you saw another pug notebook, a unicorn notepad, a dog one and even a cute little micro pig! But none screamed, "pick me! Pick me!" Until,

"(F/N)!" Janis cried out!

"What is it?" You asked, running over, "is something wrong?"

"You can get a personalised notebook for $5 more than a normal one!" Janis screamed, pulling out an old vintage camera that was cracked, worn and looking a bit washed out. "Say Cheese!" Janis smiled, taking the selfie and saving it!

"Janis no!" You laughed, trying to snatch the camera off her, but her height was greater!  " I look like a constipated pig!"

"I rest my case!" Janis said proudly showing the picture to the man on the desk. "Can I get a personalised notebook with this photo on please?" Janis asked politely.

"That'll be $15." The bearded man standing on the opposite side of the counter said dully as Janis handed over the cash. He took Janis' camera and inserted a connector into one of the slots that connected to some sort of printer and out came a printed front and back cover, with sure enough, the photo of you and Janis looking like constipated pigs. He then filed in the pages 4 at a time before handing over the finished product. "Do you want a bag?"

"No thanks!" You hastily said before Janis could spend anymore of her money on you!"


"Thanks for that Janis! It's nice to know I have at least 1 friend now!" You carrying your red tray filled with a plate of chips and ketchup having made it back to school in time for lunch.

Janis Sarkisian x reader imagines and images!Where stories live. Discover now