Once I had both my legs back, I fell on the ground to try and get my heart under control. I knew I was going to escape but why did my heart want to escape my chest? It was racing and it felt heavy, as if it didn't want me to run, which was ridiculous because I had been planning to escape since Renzo kidnapped me.

"I will not let you betray me." I told my heart as I got up to run. I had worked too hard to get out of that cell and if I didn't run away now, then Renzo would kidnap me again and this time he would throw me in solitary confinement. I hated solitary confinement. I even hated the regular confinement which Renzo was so good at doing.

Ignoring the heaviness in my heart, I gave one last look to the gigantic mansion before making a run for it. I had no destination in mind, all I knew was that I had to get out Naples and go back to Florence. It had been so long since I'd seen my grandmother, I hope she was okay. Once I was back, I would have to start my life from the ground up because I could not let go of my dream of becoming the best dancer in the world. If Renzo hadn't kidnapped me, I was sure I would've accomplished that by now.

Keeping my mind focused on going home, I begun running as fast as I could. The sooner I could get a bus; the sooner I would be able to go home. If Renzo found out, then he was sure to send his men after me. Though he had no use of me, I didn't understand why he was keeping me with him. I understood that the Mafia did not tolerate loose ends but he had to know that I would not tell anybody about him. The Mafia had influence and I did not want Renzo to use that influence against me. Besides, I was good at keeping secrets, I could keep this one for my captor as well.

Trying my best not to think about Renzo and all the time I spent with him, I followed the road, hoping it would lead me to a bus. I couldn't run all the way to Florence, it would kill me. And why wasn't the bus coming? I wasn't so far off civilization that buses refused to travel this road.

It was while I was thinking about the bus did I hear a car approaching. I dared to glance behind me and my heart stopped when I saw a black jeep driving towards me. Oh no, was this Renzo? It had to be. No one else could own a black car.

That is a stupid notion. A lot of people have black cars.

Maybe so but that did not mean it wasn't Renzo. He had cameras installed in his house, he must've found out that I had escaped. Oh no, if they captured me then I was doomed, and this time Renzo would make sure to break every single bone in my body. He would make me regret running and I did not even want to think about what he'd do to Natasha.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to run faster, ignoring the fire blazing in my legs which was urging me to stop and rest. No, I would not let him capture me. I needed to get my life back; I would spend the rest of my life serving some arrogant jerk because I knew I had more important things to do in life. I needed to make my parents proud. I needed to become the best dancer. I had to continue with my mother's legacy.

Renzo was not aware of this but I came from a long line of dancers. My mother, my grandmother and her mother before that all had been dancers, and not just any regular dancers, but they had been stars in their own right, shining in the world and making people fall in love with their art. And now I had to carry on that legacy. I could not let my family name die in the industry.

My heart hiccupped when I heard the car speeding up. It really was Renzo, there was no doubt in my mind. The pain in my legs continued to increase but I did not stop. If I stopped now, then I would be allowing him to capture me and take me back to the hell I ran from.

"Why, oh why, Renzo, did you come after me? You want Natasha, not me!" I said to myself as I thought about hiding but I was out in the open, and there was not a forest in sight.

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