The Break-Up 2/4 (Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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Originally posted on my tumblr :

Feedbacks and all are more than welcomed, and BEYOND appreciated ! :D


Dick's World was crumbling down. Again.

It was the second time this happened in the span of less than a year, and it was starting to be a bit too much for a poor little eight year old boy...

Over six months ago, his parents were murdered by a coward, and as he saw them die in front of his eyes, Dick thought he could never know what happiness was again.

He thought his heart would bleed forever, and his mind would replay his last moments with his parents over and over again...

And yet...


And yet a few days after the incident, a man came to pick him up from the orphanage. "You're adopted" they told him...By a certain Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne was a tall and muscular man, and it looked like he smiled rarely (he didn't have the "laughing wrinkles" and yet he was old enough to have them ! Dick's parents had "wrinkles because they smiled too much"...granted, they were older than Bruce but still, he had none of those, not even a little mark).

Dick was too young to know who that guy was, but he was pretty sure he remembered his parents talk about him a few time...In a good way. They praised him and his actions (whatever said actions were) often.

But it didn't matter if that man was a good person or not, he wasn't his dad and he didn't even know him. But hey, he guessed it would be better to live with him than at that dreadful orphanage...

The man came to pick him up on his own, without his butler (he overheard the people from the orphanage asking Bruce about where he was, and Bruce saying he was busy preparing Dick's room back home). The little boy had no idea what a butler was, and he didn't care much.

Mr. Wayne seemed nice enough. His voice was low and warm and reassuring, and the way he greeted him, with a shy smile and a "are you ready buddy ?" made Dick feel oddly safe.

There was also that...look in his eyes. It felt like this he knew exactly what Dick was going through, it felt like he understood him more than anyone else he saw so far. And it made the boy instantly feel better because, if someone else knew the pain he felt right now, it was easier to bear. That was nice...

On the way home (Bruce was chatting away with Dick so naturally that the young acrobat surprised himself smiling a few times), they stopped to pick a woman up.

Her name was (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and she was one of the most beautiful woman Dick ever saw (in an unconventional was more about her aura, the vibe she was giving, than her physical attributs).

She also had a suitcase, just like Dick, and Mr. Wayne helped her getting it in the trunk of the car. For a man that seemed to smile rarely, he surely smiled a lot to that girl...

When the boy asked her if Mr. Wayne adopted her too (she looked younger than him after all, and she had her stuffs with her), she bursted into laughter and Dick felt his heart stop bleeding for a second.

That woman's laugh was like a cure. So clear and pure, and honest.

Confused however, he turned to Mr. Wayne with a wondering look in his eyes, and the man winked at him, his smile bigger than ever.

It made Dick feel strange. Almost...almost happy.

And just like that, he knew that those two people facing him right now were special ones.

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