Chapter Sixteen: World's Strongest!

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"From today on this day will be known as Piccolo Day!" He laughs maliciously as he looks down at the people of West City.

In just a couple of days, he had a throne built just for him by the people. He sits on it as he watches his people and the former king grovel before him.

"Who's your King?" He asks while getting up from his throne as he rises his handed with malicious intent.

"KING PICCOLO! KING PICCOLO!" A sadistic smile rise as he hears their cheers.

He's soon interrupted when his throne is blown to pieces by a blast from someone in the sky. His eyes rise to match that of Raditz.

Slowly Raditz descends glaring at the strongest creature he had ever known besides Frieza.

"You've're a bit taller. And your hair is longer? How is that even possible?" He raises his hand towards him with a laugh.

A blast is sent towards Raditz but just in time, he moves his head to dodge the attack.

"That's not very nice" Raditz chuckles as he takes a few steps closer.

"Says the one that destroyed my throne. If you bow before me right now like these humans I'll end your life quickly instead of dragging it out" Piccolo watches as Raditz stands 1 foot away.

They stare at each other with such intensity that the air could be cut. Piccolo starts to release his power knowing full well that Raditz stood no chance.

Little did he know of what Raditz had gone through. Raditz clenches his fist and screams loudly. His shouts begin to make building collapse and nearby mountains shake. He controls his power, making his aura vanish within his body. A bright teal aura radiates out of his body, blinding everyone near him. With everyone blinded he punches Piccolo hard in the gut; sending him flying towards an empty wasteland.

Piccolo stops himself mid-flight but finds himself far from the city. He descends and searches for the long-haired brat by concentrating. But there was no need. He opens his eyes and finds the young boy who had transcended into a God.

His aura, his hair, and even his eyes had all changed to the color of Teal. The bright blue-green color stood out to represent his status and the souls of the Guardians and his own.

"That power? It belongs to my former Master. How is this possible? Have you become the new Guardian of Earth?" He asks as he raises his power with a smirk. "This will be interesting".

Knowing full well he could still lose Raditz stares him down and make a bold statement "Only one of us will die today. As a Saiyan God, I will not allow It to be me".

He gathers his power and runs ferociously at Piccolo. The demon manages to block his assaults of energy blasts but is unable to stop a kick to the chest; he's sent hurling towards a mountain.

Unfortunately for Raditz, Piccolo extends his arms a great length to grab Raditz and pull him towards him. His body is pulled towards him too fast for him to react. He's hit point-blank range on his face by an energy beam from Piccolo's mouth.

Still holding onto him they both slam into the mountain. It crumbles and falls. Within the rubble, it begins to shake. Piccolo is hurled out of the rubble by a punch from Raditz. He chases after the Demon and slams him in the stomach with his head.

Piccolo grabs a hold of him and elbows him in the back repeatedly. Raditz with a tight hold lifts him up and slams him hard into the ground like a vegetable.

"That's quite funny! You'd think I'd be in the ground right?".

From under the ground, Piccolo grabs Raditz legs and pulls him down. He gets up and stands above his head. "I agree, this is how it should be boy. You know now that I remember one of my subordinates told me about a little girl who repeatedly yelled for her savior. Radish? Was it? I wonder if that was you?" Piccolo condescending smile widens.

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