Adore 5 - Deep voice

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"Are you there, Miss?", I suddenly heard Chick say.
I didn't answer him for a few minutes.
What should I say? I literally had no idea.
I didn't wanted to say a word to that prick Prince.

"Yes I'm here, but I don't want to speak to him, and please delete my number."
I hang up the phone quickly and stared in front of me.
I tried to realize what happened, but it took a while before I actually did.
Without even thinking about it, I called Krish.

When she finally picked up the phone, I started talking right away.
"Krish, listen to me."
"Woah, Cherry, calm down girl. What happened to you? Did you eat those hot peppers again from last week?"
I rolled my eyes.
"No! You need to listen. You have no idea what just happened."
"Well, tell me.", Krish calmly said.

"A man whose name is Chick just called me."
"Aw.. I'm glad to hear you finally have a man around you. Is he cute?"
"Krish!", I yelled.
"Sorry, sorry..", she murmured on the other line of the phone.
"This man called and told me Prince wanted to speak to me."

For a few seconds Krish became quiet.
"Wait what?"
"Exactly.", I sighed.
"How did he even get your number?"
"I have no idea Krish, but I told the man I didn't wanted to speak to him and hang up the phone."
"Well damn, Cherry.. That's such a weird story.. I wonder what he wants to tell you though."

I started thinking. I actually started to get curious about it too.
"Hm.. I'm curious too.. But he probably wants an one night stand or something. Some people say he's a sex addict." I started whispering while telling her about the sex addict thing, as if there were more people in the room.
"I read that somewhere too, but it's probably fake news, Cherry. The paparazzi always makes up fake shit about people like him."


I came home late at night since my sister visited me today.
We had dinner together and talked a lot.
I haven't seen her in like six months, so it was important to see each other again and hang out for a while.
We talked about a lot of things; life, love, work and friends.
My sister was in a relationship right now, and has a successful job. She also has a great social life.
She's basically the opposite of me.
I wasn't in a relationship and I almost have no friends. I just don't trust a lot of people, and sometimes when you let people into your life, they suddenly just disappear.
I became kind of used to it though.

Soon after I got home I took a warm shower.
I put my silk pajamas on and sat on my bed.
I was going to sleep, since it has been a very long day, and I was very tired of talking the whole day.
I slowly lay down and turned off the lights.
It was time for a good night rest.


Late at night I woke up from the phone that was ringing.
I yawned while slowly getting up.
"Who the hell is calling at this time?", I said, in anger.
I picked up the phone.
"Who's this.", I said, shortly.

"It's me.", a deep voice said on the other line of the phone.
I must admit that the voice sounded very interesting. Okay maybe sexy was a better word but I didn't wanted to admit it.

"You.. Who?", I asked, still not knowing who it was.
"It's Prince, sugar.", he said.
My eyes opened wider from confusion.

Adore - Prince NelsonWhere stories live. Discover now