Chapter 2 - Chaol

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*This chapter will include parts I have borrowed from the book and I take no credit for them, it is Sarah J Maas' work and not mine, only with some new elements incorporated to match this story line I have created*


The moment Aedion had stalked into the Great Hall, Chaol knew there would be trouble.

He had thanked the gods that Aedion hadn't noticed Celaena - Aelin, whatever - on his way in, and thanked the gods some more when she had had the state of mind to get out of the room before he had.

The hall had fallen silent, when the boom had first sounded, even those who sat at the high table had fallen silent. Before Aedion was even halfway across the room, Chaol had positioned himself at the bottom of the dais. It wasn't that he thought the young general was a threat. Rather, it was the way Aedion prowled toward the king's table, his shoulder-length golden hair, the exact same shade as Celaena's he noticed, gleaming in the torchlight as he smirked at them all. And those were Celaena's eyes, too, reflecting that smirk. He had seen her make that expression before, multiple times.

This will not end well.

And he was right. The King had questioned Aedion about his sudden, but late, arrival, and his missing bane, the legendary legion he was general of, and Aedion responded giving sarcastic and bold answers. He must have a death wish. And of course he has brought some "gifts", severed heads and limbs of the rebels, his own people. Chaol hoped Celaena never found out, otherwise she might kill him, even if he was her cousin. And a fight between those two, between Celaena's skill which he had seen first hand and Aedion's famed skill... He couldn't let that happen.

As Aedion accepted the King's request for him to be at the next council meeting, he put a hand on his chest and answered with "Your will is mine, Majesty", and Chaol had to clamp down on his terror as he beheld what glinted on his finger.

A black ring- the same that the king, Perrington, and most of those under their control, wore. Well that, at least, explained why the king allowed his sarcastic and bold behaviour, because. when it came down to it, the king's will truly was Aedion's.

He had told Celaena about the rings as a courtesy, since she was hunting down ways to destroy the kings power, and had shared what she knew about it with him, before leaving for Wendlyn. And he could only hope that she will be too busy trying to avoid Aedion to notice that ring on his finger. But he supposed she had a right to know. Maybe he'll tell her later. Maybe.

Chaol broke from his thoughts as Aedion slid into a spot on their table, and Chaol braced for the verbal onslaught that was about to occur.

"You two were sitting at this same table the last time I saw you. Good to know some things don't change." Aedion accompanying grim was like a predator assessing prey. Nope, this will not end well.

"Hello, Aedion". Dorian had put on a lazy smile, and was resting his forearms against the table. But, Aedion ignored him and reached for a roast leg of lamb, his black ring glinting.

"I like the new scar, Captain," he said, jerking his chin toward the slender white line across Chaol's cheek. The scar Celaena had given to him the night Nehemia died and she'd tried to kill him- now a permanent reminder of everything he'd lost. Aedion went on, "Looks like they didn't chew you up just yet. And they finally gave you a big-boy sword, too."

Dorian said, "I'm glad to see that storm didn't dim your spirits."

"Weeks inside with nothing to do but train and bed women? It was a miracle I bothered to come down from the mountains."

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