Chapter 9 - Aedion

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From that moment, in that warehouse, everyone and everything passed Aedion in a haze. He was certainly able to keep up appearances; having to walk with the Prince around the grounds and attending council meetings, but he still couldn't believe what had happened, what he had discovered..... was it two nights ago now? Yes, he had met with Ren and Murtagh the night before, and they the had shared information they had meant to in the warehouse. But he couldn't get her scent out of his head. He had finally been able to find out that she was almost always in her rooms for lunch, and now he just had to corner her.

Aedion silently slipped into her chamber and through to her bedroom, by passing the guards with a smirk. He paused in the doorway and met her eyes though her vanity where she was donning jewellery, already dressed in finery befit for a party. He met her Ashryver eyes, identical to his own, and he let her scent wash over him.

"It is you" quiet relief and clarity coursing through him. This was real. She was standing right in front of him. Aelin.

"No, it's not." He was shocked at the harshness in those words. "I was once her yes. But what I said the other night is true. Aelin is dead, the cousin you once knew, is dead. Yes, I was born with that name, which my parents gave me, and yes I was born your cousin. But things have changed. I have changed. I haven't been her since that night ten years ago when I woke up in the blood of my parents and ran from the assassin who came back to finish me off, ran straight into that river, and almost drowned. Not since Abrobynn Hamel found me on the banks of that river, and taught me how to survive."

"So that's what you call this. Survival."

"Of don't pretend you haven't gone to the same lengths I have to survive, because we both know that's not true."

"Fine, I have done unspeakable things to get here. But I am here, in Rifthold, helping the rebels. I'm doing much more for Terrasen than you are."

"Like I want anything to do with that place. It was a cage, for me, and it's where one of the worst things that has happened to me occurred. Do you think I want to go back to Endovier, after being there for a year? No. I feel the same for Terrasen as for that place."

"Then why did you help the rebels" It was the only thing he could think to say.

"I didn't do anything I haven't done for my previous targets, and only did what I had to get it over with. Nothing more. And please tell those other two rebels that I am not her, I don't want them serving me or doing anything for her, the person I once was is gone."

"Tell them yourselves. I'm sure Ren and Murtagh would prefer to hear it from you."

At that, Celaena went silent, and finally turned to him.

"Ren and Murtagh.... Allsbrook?"

"You didn't know?"

"I only ever spoke to Finn"

"But you've seen them before, working with the rebels"

"I didn't bother identifying any of them. I just wanted them gone."

"Well I'm sure they'll be glad that I got their hopes up for nothing."

"Not my problem." The words were clipped.

With that, she swept past him, having finished with her jewellery, and went out to burn her blood money. Not bothering with a second glance at him.

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