Chapter 10 - Aedion

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He couldn't do anything. He couldn't move, he couldn't think. All he could do was stare. Stare at the door she had just exited through, trying, gods damn it he was trying, to understand what to do next. He had basically declared to Ren and Murtaugh that their lost heir was still alive... but she didn't want anything to do with them. How would they react? Especially with the knowledge that she has been an assassin this whole time.

He was suddenly drawn out of his thoughts by loud footsteps, heading towards him, echoing around the hallway. Hang on, hallway? Aedion looked around and found that he was couple halls down from Aelin's room. How the hell had he gotten here? Turning around, a muscled and tall man, dressed in black, crashed into him.

Chaol's POV

He should have known. He should have known that Aedion was in Celaena's rooms. Especially after what happened two days ago. Chaol had been looking everywhere for the man. He had even ventured into the city to his rumoured favoured spots. But of course he had been in her rooms all along. Chaol was heading straight to her rooms, stomping down the hallways in a fury, when he collided into heavily muscled and tall man, who barely budged. Looking up, he realised it was the exact person he was furious with, but it was also the person he had been looking for. Aedion.

While Aedion still looked dazed, gods knows why, Chaol dragged him back to his room, locking the door behind them, and going through to the sitting room. By now Aedion was out of his daze, and looking extremely pissed off at Chaol, probably for his ambush, but it could also be because Aedion thoroughly dislikes everyone in this castle. Because of this, Chaol decided to not let Aedion have a chance to speak, until Chaol had said what he wanted to.

Dorian's... problem, had been running through his mind ever since Dorian had told him. And if Celaena has the same problem, then that means Aedion would too... hopefully. Or he would have at least some idea on how to fix it, or the rebels would. Either way, this was his only option. Without thinking any further, Chaol blurted out "I want to make a deal with you. An exchange of information."

"What!?" Aedion seemed surprised, caught off guard. He probably hadn't expected this at all.

"I want you to tell me what you, and the rebels, know about the king's power, and magic in general, and I'll tell you what I know and what Celaena has told me regarding it. And believe me, she has been meddling with the stuff since she got here."

A pause.

"Why?" He said this with pure curiosity, tilting his head slightly

"Because I believe you, or at least the rebels, have information that I would like. I have been looking for them for a while, and you seem to be the best link I have to them"

"What would you, the ever loyal captain of the guard, want to know about the kings power? About magic? Thinking of going rogue are we?" He replied with a smirk.

"Nothing that concerns you."

"Ah, but shouldn't I know what this information I'll be passing over be used for?" Damn, Chaol should've have known this would happen. He was too damn smart.

"All you need to know is that none of the information will be making its way to the King or anyone who doesn't need to know."

"How do I know that?" He retorted.

"You don't, you'll just have to trust me."

"Me? Trust the captain of the guard for my enemy?! I don't think so."

"Well then, how do you think you can keep track of me, all day, all night, to make sure I don't tell anyone you don't like?

"Easily fixed if I don't accept this deal." He smirked back. Seemingly satisfied with his solution.

Not wanting to, but seeing no other way, he said "I'll tell you what I know about Cel-Aelin, as part of my information." Hoping, to all gods, that Aedion would accept. He need this. For Dorian.

"Fine, I'll make this... deal with you, but only if you tell me who you tell about what I tell you. And only if you don't lie or leave anything out about Aelin."

"Done. Contact me when you first want to meet."

And with that, they parted ways.

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