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Patton's POV

I know Virgil says he's fine but after what Roman said yesterday I'm worried! He's my precious scared baby! I know Roman is with him which helps my fears but I want to do more!

I throw on my apron as I begin to make my family a nice breakfast and hopefully something to help my dark strange son.

Carefully measuring out the ingredients for cookies, though still spilling ingredients on myself, I begin making some dark chocolate chip cookies! Personally I prefer milk chocolate but I know Virgil likes dark and so does Logan as it's healthier apparently.

As I put the cookies in the oven I decide to check on my emo son! I knock on his room door yet don't get an answer. "Virgil buddy?" I'm trying my best to not make my voice shake. I'm really worried and him not answering sure isn't a help!

I try knocking again to no success. I decide to just peek in the room and-

"Ohmygodthat'sadorable-" I quickly shut myself up not wanting to disturb the two. Virgil looks near asleep as he's lying onto of Roman while the prince is playing with Virgil's hair also looking quite sleepy. It's adorable!

It relaxes me knowing they have each other. Although they're not official it's clear to see they like each other! I do sometimes wish I had something like that but seeing my sons happy makes me happy....right?

Logan's POV

I was walking to the living room while reading one of my various novels. It's actually quite an interesting book about Queen Elizabeth the first. Although we are not in England I think all knowledge is important even if from different continents.

I end up spotting Patton outside Virgil's room. I suppose just checking on him. I hear him whisper out something near incomprehensible due to how fast he was talking but I heard something about 'adorable' so I suppose everything is well.

At least I thought until the father figure of our 'family' he crying?

I see him dash to his room, clearly having not noticed me. I take a peek in the room yet nothing appears to be wrong. Virgil and Roman are just resting.

I decided rather than chasing him down messaging can suffice for now.

Nerdy 👓 has created a private chat with Pappy Patton 💙

Nerdy 👓: Patton how are you feeling?

Nerdy 👓: I saw you run into your room.

Pappy Patton 💙: oh you did? Well i'm your happy pappy Patton! I'm fine!

Nerdy 👓: Falsehood. I saw you crying as you went into your room. I would have chased you but I doubted you'd let me in while in that emotional state.

Pappy Patton 💙: I'm sorry it's nothing really! I got myself worked up over nothing!

Nerdy 👓: What's wrong? I saw Roman and Virgil seem fine. Even quite 'cute' as you would say. You have no reason to be upset.

Pappy Patton 💙: exactly! It's nothing really Logan

Nerdy 👓: Then why are you so upset?

Nerdy 👓: Doorway Patton.

Narrator POV

Patton looked up from his phone to see Logan looking at him. He was curled up on his bed, tears still streaming down his face, and now Logan was standing in the doorway looking at the emotional trait.

"Patton don't lie to me please. I know I may not be the best with emotions but I still wish to help you." He just looked up at the normally cold trait, a look of worry spread on his face.

Patton slowly got up and hugged the analytical trait. He froze at first then slowly hugged Patton back. "Sorry I just got worked up...seeing them made me think about relationships and then that made me think of past romances then I thought about how I won't ever have anyone and then I started crying and-"

"Stop. You are fine Patton. Our previous relationships don't define us and anyone who rejects such a kindhearted man is very foolish to do so." He waited for a response getting none from the father figure. "Cat got your tongue?" That got his attention. He instantly started giggling as the Logic trait was pointing at a cat photo as he said those exact words. Logan sighed at his previous action but was happy to see the father figure happy again.

Logan then realized their position and instantly flushed red. Patton was hugging him with his face snuggled into Logan's chest and he was laughing. He looked so happy and he was so close to Logan. Logan was a bit confused. Why was his face getting hot? Patton was just near him and they had hugged before so..why now?

Patton looked up at the blushing lost in thought trait and asked "You okay Lo?" The trait snapped out of his trance and looked down with his face flushing more. "I guess i'm just confused..I think i'm getting sick. My stomach feels all fluttery and I feel like i'm burning up."

Patton smiled at the traits confusion. "Well i'm making cookies if you want some Lo." Logan smiled and tried to compose himself.

"That would be nice Patton.." The two traits walked out the room happily and decided to get on with making the cookies.

And another chapter done! I hope you enjoyed this one! It's longer than some of my others and doesn't have as much texting this time. It was more a narrative chapter. I hope you enjoyed and see ya guys!

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