"Uhm, I went to his room first" Taelynn noticed my discomfort and spoke up first. "I had got this text, and I felt myself about have a panic attack" She handed them the phone. "I came to your room first, I wanted to lay with y'all but y'all were being grown" She frowned and they smirked at each other and read the message.

"I promise I was going to go to my room, but I was scared. Long story short, he tried to make me see a therapist and I blew up on him then he followed me to my room and then we talked and he said somethings I didn't like so I stopped him, after calming each other down we started at each other and then daddy walked in right when he kissed me; and that's all that happened." She sighed.

"Okay, if you feel safer then as long as doors stay open I don't mind. I trust the both of you" Gabby smiled and Dylan was just spaced out. "Right Dylan? You know how important it was for me to sleep with someone" He snapped out if it.

"Yeah yeah, whatever your mother said. I'm just trying to figure out how much trouble I'll be in if I break into prison and kill this dumb ass little boy?" He paused. "Oh shit, my cousins locked up and they can shank him" He stood up and pulled his phone out and stepped out of the dining room.

"How about yall sleep down here? I need to calm your father down"

"Ew; and please tell him not to kill him? It's okay. Im fine" Tae smiled but I could tell she was lying through her teeth, she was really trying to act as if it didn't happen and she was going to fuck herself up.

"Your in the denial stage.. baby this is not good because when it comes back to hit it's going to hit you hard.." Gabby frowned.

"Mom please? I got this." She sighed.

"Well I'll be here when you figure out this won't help nothing. I can't force you, you're stubborn just like me" We all jumped hearing Dylan yell and punch something. Gabby quickly walked off; leaving me and Taee alone.

"Thanks for not telling them about what I said" I spoke up. "and sorry for kissing you' that was insensitive to what you had just went through weeks ago"

I honestly felt bad; because she had just been raped not to long ago and although she's comfortable around me; I could have triggered something by being careless and placing my lips to hers.

"It's okay Q; I'm glad you did now the last lips that were on mines wouldn't be his, don't feel bad" She smiled. "You could kiss me again if you wanted too" My eyes shot open. "Im saying, I wouldn't be scared.." She sighed. "I like the feeling of forgetting, and with you my mind doesn't be on it you know? It's liked just being around you period makes me feel safe"

"I understand; I also understand you can't just forget about this Tae.. It may work for a few weeks but then you're going to lose it and I don't what I go through, for you."

"I hear you, I'm fine Q. Just let me be okay?" I sighed and decided to let it go.

Soon she was going to self destruct and I didn't want that for her; but she wasnt going to listen and I couldn't make her. All I could do was be there for her; and when it all hits her again I'm afraid she'd do something to hurt herself or someone else. I've been through it plenty of times; and I always hurt myself.

"I know going back to school next week; and we have missed assignments and I've wrote a paper about rape; also a few poems. I decided to touch that topic" She said to me and I could tell she was trying to act as if this wasn't touchy for her.

"That's not a good idea" I shook my head, she would lose it if she went through with this.

"I told you I'm fine; we had to do this anyway and I feel like it should be me that does." She frowned. "Why won't anyway just listen to me? Y'all can't tell me how I feel?" She got up about to storm away but I dragged her into my room and closed the door and waited for her to tell me to open; just so I could prove my point. She wasn't over this; and she didn't have to pretend to be, she needed help.

"Open the door Q; please open the door and unlock it" She began to back into the wall and I did as told.

"See you're not over it; and you're going to hurt yourself more if you don't get help. Me and your parents can only do so much..." I wiped her tears and hugged her. "It's going to be hard; but please don't do this" I begged.

"I'm going to get over it myself, you'll see" She stood her ground and I decided to let it go, there was no point.

"Okay. I'm here for you, remember that" I looked at her and this time she kissed me. I went to pull away but she bit my bottom lip, and my tongue found my way into her mouth. She smiled against my lips and hugged me tight, still crying.

"I'm sorry; I've been wanting to do that since ninth grade" she sighed. "If I get help, would you get help with me?" She asked me with hopeful eyes. At this point she had me in a daze; and I would agree to anything.

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