The Palace Theater

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Like a predator stalking its prey, she circled around John the Baptist, swinging her hips suggestively

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Like a predator stalking its prey, she circled around John the Baptist, swinging her hips suggestively.
"Who is this woman who is looking at me?" shouts John the Baptist, "I will not have her look at me. Wherefore doth she look at me with her golden eyes, under her gilded eyelids? I know not who she is. I do not wish to know who she is. Bid her begone. It is not to her that I would speak."
"I am Salomé," Salomé replies, "Daughter of Herodias, Princess of Judaea."
"Back! daughter of Babylon! Come not near the chosen of the Lord. Thy mother hath filled the earth with the wine of her iniquities, and the cry of her sins hath come up to the ears of God."
"Speak again, John the Baptist. Thy voice is wine to me."
The more John the Baptist insults Salomé, calling her a wicked daughter of Babylon or of Sodom and telling her to repent of her sins, the more aroused she becomes. She waxed poetical about her desire to touch his white body, black hair, and to kiss his red lips. When John the Baptist is repulsed by her advances, Salomé stomps her feet petulantly and her guards whip him.
"Never! Daughter of Babylon! Daughter of Sodom! Never!"
"I will kiss your mouth, John the Baptist."
The tension between them was so electric that it seemed indecent for us to be watching. My body shivered with illicit pleasure.
Salomé demands that John the Baptist let her kiss his mouth. He is disgusted by her and calls her accursed. The guards drag him off while she vows that he will give in to her and calls 
"I will kiss your mouth, John the Baptist, I will kiss your mouth."
A/N here's a full video of a production of Salomé.

I recalled that Aphrodite Love and Tristan McLean were Piper's parents. They had an affair during an earlier production of Salomé which resulted in Piper's conception. With all the passion between them that I saw on stage, this was not a surprise to me.
During the intermission, Luke and I went to get some refreshments. Because the theater could not legally sell alcohol, we could only drink coffee, tea, lemonade, or soda water.
I had never seen Luke look so pale; he looked like a wan, cold shadow of himself. Thalia had told me he was ill but she had not gone into more detail. His eyes shifted like that of a madman and sometimes, he would let out a sigh, as if something was troubling him.
I noticed Rachel standing by the bar. She wore a light blue gown which suited her red hair and rosy complexion and a rather theatrical tiara which looked like a halo of shooting stars made from silver foil and rhinestones.

 She wore a light blue gown which suited her red hair and rosy complexion and a rather theatrical tiara which looked like a halo of shooting stars made from silver foil and rhinestones

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