Meet Me (Harry/Mina)

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Mina stood in line outside of the radio studio with her best friend, Maci.

Maci, of course, was so much more excited than Mina was.

She had won tickets to a private acoustic performance by her favorite band, One Direction.

It wasn’t that she didn’t like them, Mina was indeed a fan, but Maci took the word “fan” to  a whole new level and she just really wanted to see the look on her face when they came out.

They were standing outside with about 10 other girls and their parents.

She laughed to herself and then pointed out that they were the only ones there without their parents.

Why? They were probably the oldest directioners ever.

Maci had just turned 18 and Mina was 17.

A security guard came out and just simply waved his hand, motioning everyone in.

They followed him into the building, passing through a few different corridors before they ended up in a small room with a bunch of seats and a “stage” set up in the front.

“The guys will be answering a question from each of you, so think those up while you have some time.” The security guard said before retreating back to the wall to supervise.

“Oh my God!” Maci squealed for probably the hundredth time in the past hour.

Everyone in the room chattered excitedly for the next few minutes and without any warning, the five came out and sat on their stools.

Some girls screamed, other girls, like Maci, stayed completely silent and I just sat and amusedly watched her face.

“How are we doing today!?”


“Vas happenin!?”



They all said as they sat down.

They played a few songs acoustically and then turned to us as they finished up an acoustic version of Na Na Na.

“I think we’re gonna answer some questions now.” Liam said, looking over at whoever was orchestrating the event.

A radio DJ walked over to Maci and asked her to stand up.

Maci stood up, almost in complete horror.

“Hi, love!” Louis cooed, “What’s your name?”

“I’m Maci.” She managed to choke out.

“Hi, Maci!” They all called out like it was an AA meeting.

“Now what’s your question, love?” Louis asked.

“I was wondering what you thought about older directioners.” She asked.

Mina was completely shocked that she was capable of even forming words.

They all started answering the question before Niall furrowed his eyebrows and glanced over at them.

“Wait, how old are you?” He yelled.

Maci laughed, “I’m 18, and my friend is 17.” She said motioning toward Mina.

Mina waved awkwardly and passed her eyes over all of the guys.

Her eyes landed on Harry, who already had his green eyes boring into her.

He smiled and looked away.

Mina felt her heart leap up and before she knew it, she had a microphone in her face and was being told to stand up.

“Hello, beautiful.” Harry greeted with a big warm smile on his face.

“I wanted to know who has the worst morning breath.” Mina smiled awkwardly at her bad question and waited for the answers to pour in.

All of the guys looked around at each other before pointing fingers and accusing each other of wretched halitosis.

As they finished, Mina smiled and sat down.

“Wait, what’s your name?” Harry asked.

Mina stood back up to the microphone and smiled. “I’m Mina.”

Harry’s smile grew. “Hi, Mina. I’m Harry.”

“Hi.” She laughed, sitting back down.

As more questions continued she spotted Harry talking to a security guyard, but didn’t think anything of it since Niall was up and doing an Irish jig of sorts.

Mina felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.

“Mina?” The security guard questioned.

“Yeah?” She asked nervously.

“Harry wants you to stay after the performance to personally meet with you.”

Mina smiled and looked over at Harry, who’s cheeks were a slight tint of red as he glanced down.

“I’d love to.” She smiled.

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