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"Where on earth did that come from?" I hear from somewhere outside. Myself and Kath are dropping water balloons and tipping jugs of water out the window at the boys, and I must say I am enjoying it very much. The guys and Kath have been helping me and Lannan take our minds off the recent events. I feel a splash on the back of my head and turn around to see Lannan there, trying not to laugh. I shake my head and chuckle, walking over to where he is stood. Kath hands me a balloon and I hold it above Lannan's head, giggling. She nods and I splat the balloon on his head, the water spilling down his shirt. We both giggle and I rest my head on his, both looking into each others eyes. Lannan places his hands on my bump and in return gets a kick from the baby.
Myself and Lachlan are sat on the sofa while Lannan walks through the room. "Take good care of her, shout me if you need any help." He kisses me then follows Elliot into the recording room.
"I will help you to sit on the mat, here, but then I will call for help. I won't be long." The voice tells me. Next thing I know, a man named Brodey is putting a needle in my arm and another person called Nathan gives me some gas and air. "We need to put the knee back in place." Brodey tells me. "One, two, three!"
(A/N: I actually had this dream so I thought I would put it in the chapter.)
"Jesus Christ Brodey!" I scream as I sit bolt upright, sweating and in a panic attack. Lachlan places an arm on my shoulder and begins to rub it, attempting to calm me down. "Get Lannan," he whispers to Kath. She nods and goes off to the recording room. I see Lannan walk into the room and sit beside me. I cry into his chest and he rocks me back and forth, his way of making me calm. Brodey walks through the sitting room to go to the recording room and I hide in the hope he doesn't see me. "It's okay, he won't hurt you, sweetie. I promise. Brodey, come here!" I hear Lannan shout and my eyes widen as Brodey sits beside me holding a mug of hot drink. I get as close to Lannan as I possibly can, my panic attack getting worse. "Baby it's okay, Brodey isn't going to hurt you." Lannan tells me, trying to calm me down. I look at Brodey and he smiles at me. "I'm not gonna hurt you, that was just a silly dream." Brodey says, offering me some water. I take the drink and sip it until I'm calm, handing him the glass back. "How are you feeling?" I hear, but I just lay my head on the nearest shoulder and sigh, blacking out. "Get the ambulance!" Was the last thing I heard before fainting, and a few big kicks from the baby.

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