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"This is our house," Lannan tells me as we walk through the big gates. I reach for his hand but he doesn't notice. I sigh, trying again. This time, he does and links my hand with his, smiling at me. How did I land lazarbeam as my boyfriend, and more importantly, we have a child. That's my dream come true. "Hey, you and Lannan are getting married soon, you got engaged a few weeks ago," a girl tells me. I look at her confused, then look to Lannan. "I'm marrying Lazarbeam?" The girl nods. "I'm his sister, Tannar." She holds out her hand and I shake it, hesitantly. "Nice to meet you, I have no clue what my name is, but I'm sure I will learn it soon." Lannan brings Mia to see me, sitting beside me on the couch. "This is our little girl, do you want to hold her?" I nod and carefully take her from Lannan. My head clicks and everything comes back. "Mia is one lucky little baby. She has the best daddy and best auntie ever." I say, smiling at both Lannan and Tannar. "Emily, that's my name!" I tell Tannar and she nods. I finally remember everything. "Seems like Mia did the trick. The doctor told me that this will happen for a few weeks, you losing memory temporarily." Tannar says, handing me a coffee. "Cheers sis, this is much needed."
"Good day to you, I am the majestic beam, and I am here with three special guests. Tannar, Em and my smol majestic bean, Mia." Lannan says to the camera, holding Mia so her face is showing. "She's a little cutie, isn't she?" He smiles. "We're doing a question and answer using your questions. First one is for Tan. "What was your first impression of Emily?" Lannan asks, looking up from the iPad. "I thought she was very nice, and I knew I was going to get along with her. I instantly knew she was better than the others." I smile at Tannar and nod. "Next one for you, dear." Lannan says in a posh British voice. "Are you and Lannan planning on having any more children?" I think. "I would like to at some point, another one or two. I'm not sure about what you want though." I tell him. He nods and hands me the phone. "How old is Mia?" I read from the screen. I look confused. "Who's that?" I ask. "It's happened again," I hear the man say, and he switches off what seems to be a camera. The woman leads me to a sofa and tells me to sit down, which I do. "I'm going to give you the baby, because last time your memory went, as soon as you were holding her, it all came back." I have a terrified look on my face as a small sleeping baby is placed in my arms. "Anything?" I hear a voice speak. My heart starts to race and my hands start to shake with fear. The baby's in my hands. I need to protect her at all costs. "What's her n-name?" I say quietly. "Mia Louisa Eacott. You chose it, babe." The male speaks. Oh god, he's hot. "I d-did?" No way I could have done, I've never seen this little girl in my life.

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