Space Lock: A spell that allows the user to lock incoming weapons or other types of magic in place

The swords stopped midway and the red head eyes widened. Ruka twirled her finger around once, making the swords face Erza. "Unlock!" The swords sped away from her body and towards the red head. Erza deflected them with her sword. She was out of breath and slightly scratched and was horrified to see her opponent was still fine. 

The black haired girl pouted and brought her hand to her face. "I really thought I've gotten you with that." She lightly laughed but then her eyes got dark. "I'll have to get serious."

"Armor of the Galaxy dragon form 2!"

A bright white light encircled her and blinded Erza and the audience. It died down after a few seconds, and the souls of the members of Fairy Tail left their bodies. Because was Erza not only having trouble with Ruka, but Ruka wasn't even breaking a sweat. 

And there Ruka stood with a light blue armor dress that exposed part of her chest and thighs. Armored heel boots that went up to mid thigh and the front of the armor was opened, held in place by golden wrap on her waist. Her hair was loosely falling behind her back and a dark blue hair piece adorned her hair and forehead. Her hand held a a long sword which gave off a blue light. 

"WHAT! THATS CHEATING, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!" Ruka faced towards the direction of the screaming and was not surprised to see Natsu screaming at her

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"WHAT! THATS CHEATING, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!" Ruka faced towards the direction of the screaming and was not surprised to see Natsu screaming at her. "THIS IS UNTHINKABLE! HOW IS SHE STILL STANDING IN THE SAME RING WITH ERZA! HOW DID MY BABY SISTER BECOME STRONGER THAN ME! H-" Lucy had cut him off by placing her hand over his mouth. 

The young galaxy dragon slayer sweat dropped at hearing the 'baby sister' part. A sword came in contact with her armor. She gasped as the air in her lungs was cut off. She stumbled back and smirked. "I should have expected that." She raise her sword and clashed it against Erza's making a X formation. "You should be vigilant when fighting."

The swords clashed once again, their faces close to each other's. 

'I better finish this quick', Ruka thought. 

'I need to win these for the team' Erza thought. 

Ruka jumped away from the red head needing to figure out her next move. She held her sword up readying herself for the next attack. 

Ruka's POV

Erza would probably finish this fight with her Clear Heart Clothing, which always takes out her enemies, that's is why I have to make my move before she tries to use it. My options were limited and sure enough second later her armor went onto clear heart clothing. Fairy Tail cheered thinking thier Titania would win these. But what surprised me the most was when she actually ran up to me but not with sword in hand. 

It seemed to go in slow motion for me as she ran up to me and grabbed me by a headlock and brought my ear close to her mouth. She made me face Fairy Tail, allowing me to see how much everyone has changed. Those who had fine to Tenroujima looked exactly the same and those who didn't, well they didn't look to bad. Confusion and madness were written all over their faces has they saw the scowl on my face. 

From Fairy to Tiger {Sting Eucliffe} DISCONTINUED Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя