Itazura's Insanity.

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Once the gang arrived in Cantinar, they were shocked to see the unholy disaster that was presented before their eyes. UFO's and alien Mozarians were everywhere. "What... what is going on?! That alien bastard is across the planet!!" Charles was in so much rage and confusion. A mothership appeared before them. A giant, red haired Mozarian woman wearing makeup and her hair positioned as if it were a crown was laughing maniacally. It was obviously Satsujin's wife, Itazura. "BWA HA HA HA!!! Look at you! Look at everyone else! The scared faces of these people are hilariously pathetic!" Itazura said heartlessly. "BLECH! My God! Itazura's even uglier in person!" Vanisty said without thinking. "Ugly?! If I'm ugly, then what are YOU?!" "What the hell did you just say to me?! Don't MAKE me come up there, you alien loser!" Vanisty and Itazura were arguing like kids. It really was distracting from the kingdom being torn apart. Almost. Little did Itazura know that Vanisty was buying time for her friends to beat the Mozarians back to where they came from. (Partially)

Once Itazura realized what was going on, she flew into a murderous rage. She teleported from her UFO to ground level to take on the gang to a hand-to-hand battle. Her regularly soulless gray eyes were filled with anger, but she hidsword was behind her back cunningly. She was trying to fool the group by making them seem as if she was fighting them mindlessly. She lunges at Lillian, who was almost slashed at her throat if Charles didn't pull bed away. Now Itazura knee who her next targets were. The boys were the groups muscle. All she had to do was get rid of Shane's pesky guards who were shooting her. (The shots weren't  very affective, but they were a good distraction.)

The hole in Itazura's heart grew deeper, so deep that the Grinch could eat his out. She shot and killed the guards protecting the teens. The 7'1 alien woman looked at them with eyes that said "You're next". That sent the team running. The crazy lady was on all fours after them. Vanisty tripped. "Oh what are the damn odds?! I know I'm white but this isn't a horror movie!!" It wasn't until she saw Shane punch Itazura away where she felt relieved. Vanisty saw the whole thing in slow motion. "I'm gonna have his babies..." She thought. After that, Shane swooped in and picked her up like a bride. Vanisty cherished the moment before she realized that he was going to get Charles and Lillian next.

"I'll get you, you disgusting brats!!!" Itazura shouted. Charles replied with "That's what I'm supposed to say to you, you crazy broad!" He said that as he was carried into his castle. Charles' parents were in an underground safe room. "Mom! Where's dad!? Are you alright?! The whole kingdom is going to hell!" The queen of Cantinar, Melody, replied with "We are going to be ok. AND WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!!! No swearing is how a responsible ruler behaves!" Charles shivered in embarrassment as his friends were snickering at his scolding. He turned to his friends slowly to give them a cold glare, but they were all looking away mockingly. "We need a plan of attack, that Itazura... creature... will kill us all if we do nothing!" Melody announced.  "Mom, she's much more  evil than we thought. Her eyes, her way of speaking, her battle strategy-" Charles was cut off. "Her friggin' looks! She's also uglier than what any of the stories say combined!" Vanisty interrupted. She earned a chuckle from Melody. "My husband is out in battle, he told all of us to stay here... why were you all outside?! Why did you leave Sunatin?!" Melody asked with motherly concern. "I can't just sit on my a- uh... butt while my people are in danger mom! What kind of ruler does that?!" Charles told his mother. It was something that his father told him when all his life. Melody looked shocked.

"Oh! Sorry mom! I forgot to introduce you to my friends! Of course you know Shane... the girls are twins! The taller slightly chubby one is Vanisty!" Vanisty gave a slightly irritated look. "The shorter one is Lillian! They're very pretty." Charles whispered the last part to his mother. "Oh, so do you have a little crush on one of them? Or maybe... both?" "Mom! Do you secretly hate me?!" Once again, an embarrassed Charles was at the stage. "I'm only teasing, Charles. However, it is a pleasure meeting you all! I am Melody." "Queen Melody, we were sent here by King Samuel. We need the armies to combine. Cantinar, Sunatin, and Dinopatiin... we need all the help we can receive." Lillian explained. Melody replied with "Now I understand... But I cannot allow you all to go outside, even with our guards. Too many lives are being lost. However, I do have a solution to get you all to Dinopatiin." The Queen stood up, her dress was green and massive with flower patterns made it stand out more. Looking closely, she deeply resembled Charles. Although her hair was a golden blonde color, her eyes were a grass green like her son, and her skin was the same eerie pale. 

"Please, allow me to introduce you to the famous genius inventing couple, Alvis and Cynthia Jackson. Their newest invention can teleport you all across kingdoms. They have never failed to impress anyone." "Charmed to meet you all! We are both more than happy to help you on your journeys!" Cynthia said. "Our teleportation device has been tested repeatedly, and all attempts have been successful. Queen Melody has even gone through! We have contacted Dinopatiin as we were listening with you conversation with Queen Melody, we haven't received a response. We are quite worried." Alvis informed. "Do not worry about us... you four will travel together." "What? But mom-" "Charles, it's for your own safety. I will not say it again." Melody grabbed her son's face to give him a reassuring kiss on the head. "You all have our prayers." Melody said this as if it were a goodbye. If she were to die, she made sure she had a chance to give her speech. "I love you mom..." Charles was tearing up. "I love you to Charles." A loud boom was heard. The ground was shaking. Part of the castle was blown apart. "We have to get to that device!  Let's go!" Shane said. He was practically shoving Vanisty and Lillian into the machine. Another explosion. They were exposed. "I FOUND YOU!!! What a fun game of hide and seek! Time to deal the punishment to the losers!" Itazura shouted. "GO!" Melody shoved her son into the teleporter. "I will have to deal with this!" Melody said before leaping to attack Itazura. Fire was blazing through her hands. Charles shouted to his mother to come with him and his friends. It was too late. A hand was rested upon Charles' shoulder. "She should be fine..." Lillian was trying to comfort him. Alvis started the teleporter. Once Charles couldn't see his mother any longer, he started bawling his eyes out. "This reminds me, how are our parents..." Vanisty said. Chills were sent down her sister's spine. They had completely forgotten about them. In a matter of seconds, the four friends were in the kingdom of Dinopatiin.

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