Descriptions. Skip to Chapter 2 for story.

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It was the year 1996. On a plant much like Earth, except every continent or border was divided into a different kind of kingdom. One was named "Dinopatiin", a land where dinosaurs and dinosaur-like humans live together. Another is named "Cantinar", where nature, biology, and science is most important to society. Many different lands and locations exist, but our main protagonists mostly reside in the land "Sunatin", where land is mostly happy popular for tourists sights. Once every thousand years, angels attack the land for petty amusement. 

To our main characters, their names are Vanisty and Lillian. Twin sisters who posses the blessed child gene. It ran in their family like a passed down family diary. Their full names are Vanisty Nicole Valentine, and Lillian Elizabeth Valentine. Vanisty is a bit of a tomboy, she dresses, speaks and acts mostly like the boys in her school. Why? Because she hates female stereotypes and expectations. She's also a bit vain, flaunting her looks and blessed child abilities. Her very slightly younger sister Lillian was the complete opposite. Lillian was mature and ladylike, even mixing in sass whenever necessary. It was rare to ever hear Lillian swear or raise her voice, you must have REALLY struck a nerve if she did. Because of Lillian's ladylike personality, people see her as "weird" or a "try hard", not making her many friends, saddening her. Lillian even practices acrobatics, already an expert level at age 15. Both girls are considered to be very beautiful and tall. (At least for their age and gender, Vanisty being 5'5 and Lillian being 5'4). Both girls are pale with black hair and eyes, and their hair reaches halfway to their backs. They are pretty young when the story takes place, being born on March 25, 1981. 

For the other main characters, they're the princes of the lands of Sunatin and Cantinar. In order, their names are Shane and Charles. Shane is a bit of a shut-in, and for a big reason. He isn't human. He's a demon who's afraid of his powers. He has superhuman strength, durability, can even turn invisible and posses beings and objects like a ghost, and has indestructible angelic wings that he can grow out of his body to fly with or swing to create strong wind gusts. When Shane's anger reaches a certain point, his eyes become blood red, becomes a few inches taller, stronger, faster, and bloodthirsty. He won't snap out of that faze unless what angered him is destroyed. Shane also has no control over himself like this. In terms of appearance, Shane is a giant 6'0. His hair is black with silver gray eyes and ghost pale skin. Did I mention that he is a blessed child? Charles is the opposite, he's more adventurous and bold. Here's a little secret, Charles is also the god of nature. Charles has won the hearts of many women of many different ages, Lillian being one. All due to his good looks, muscular build, and tall 5'10 height. For abilities, he can control natural objects and beings around him, such as Pyrotechnic Breath, Aerokinesis, Aidokinesis, Batonokinesis, Brontekinesis, Cryokinesis, Electrokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Phyllokinesis, and Mithridatism. He has superhuman strength and durability, as well as a big attitude. His parents and ancestors are also gods of nature, but due to the blessed child gene, the trait of being a god was passed down instead of being a demigod. Charles has platinum blonde hair, grass green eyes, and like Shane, has ghostly pale skin. Both Shane and Charles were born on February 12, 1980. 

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