Fighting Back.

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The next morning, Vanisty heard chatter. When she fully regained counsciousness, she realized that she was in the "little spoon" position. Turning her head, she saw not only Shane sleeping, but his giant wings in the air. "This is so awkward..." she thought. With the grace of some kind of Holy Spirit, she was able to be free of Shane's arms without waking him up. Lillian suffered the same fate. Only except she had to wake Charles up. It was clear that Charles was physically stronger that Shane. The gang freshened up, then prepared for their day.

"I-...I'm not human? This explains... so much." Lillian spoke in half confusion and understanding. She was much more cooperative than her sister. "You two aren't either, correct? S-sorry, I'm just trying to regain my thought process..." Lillian is still in shock. Everyone thought that she just needed time to think, until Charles blurted out "Of course Lillie! Us blessed children can sniff each other out like-" A punch in his chest. "OUCH!! That hurt man!" Shane packed quite the punch...

"My father has an announcement for the downfall of Satsujin. Yes, investigators confirmed that it truly is him who is attacking us." Shane informed. "So... he isn't a myth? I don't want to see him or his hideous wife! Seriously, it looks like someone just threw facial features together on her and said "Here ya go!" I look WAY better than her!" Vanisty said without a stutter, stammer or pause. It made everyone in the group chuckle. "Yes, I can assure you that you do. You are a beautiful young woman." Shane was smooth. Vanisty was having a case of heart explosion.

"My people! We now have a plan to defeat that monstrous Satsujin and his deranged wife! We need help from the armies of Cantinar and Dinopatiin!" King Samuel said in such excitement and relief. People couldn't believe it. "So that's where we're going... Let's go guys!""I can't wait to get back home!" Charles was as upbeat at usual.   "I've never been to Cantinar of Dinopatiin. Our mother never allowed us outside of Sunatin. She says it's "For when we get older." Lillian wasn't wrong though. People under the age of 18 weren't allowed to leave their home kingdoms without a trusted adult. It was for their own safety.

"Yes, Prince Charles. We trust that you will be able to assemble your kingdom's armies?" King Samuel was eavesdropping. "I'd love to! My friends are coming with me!" Charles replied, he hugged the other 3 teenagers who were shocked to hear that he considered them friends. "Very well. We shall allow you to leave at noon. My guards will accompany you if anything happens." Charles cursed in his mind. It was only 9 o'clock in the morning. What was he going to do then? "WAIT!!! King Samuel! Are we allowed to do combat training while we wait?! It would be an awesome way to kill time!" Charles shouted at the top of his (technically useless) lungs. "If that is what you please, I allow." My trainer is here already." King Samuel was surprisingly acceptive. Charles and Vanisty found it creepy. Shane and Lillian found it charming. Go figure.

In the combat training, it clearly showed that Charles was the best fighter. He was always active, so no one was surprised. Between Vanisty and Lillian, fighting for those two could go either way. One fight for those two got so bad that they were both bleeding because of scratches and bruises. They were 9 years old and used their toys to beat each other down like Raggedy-Ann dolls. Neither twin won, though. They got separated from their parents to their aunt and grandparents homes for an entire week until they healed. Shane on the other hand mostly waited until his inner demon came out to fight. Unless he or someone is being continuously attacked. Once noon rolled around, the group prepared and marched of Cantinar. Satsujin was on the other side of the planet, so they thought it was the perfect opportunity. They didn't however, think that Itazura was awaiting them in Cantinar.

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