Side Story IV: Halloween Shopping

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Halloween was two weeks away and Minho was dishonored by his boyfriend's lack of preparation. He dragged them to their local Halloween store with the stubborn intent of getting them costumes.

"Minho, we're not going to let you waste money on us like this." Newt chided the moment they were inside. "Tommy and I will pay for our own costumes. We can afford that much."

Minho scoffed. He waved a hand carelessly. "Newt, Newt, my dear sweet silly shuck face," He drawled.

Newt's face turned into a dangerous scowl, unimpressed with the boy's tone. Thomas had a hard time trying not to laugh.

"I'm going to buy your Halloween costume whether you want me to or not. Now you and Thomas go grab something and show me what it is! If I'm buying, I have a say!"

"That's exactly why we rather bloody pay for it ourselves!"

Thomas laughed. He followed Newt through the aisle, aimlessly eyeing the store's collection of costumes.

"I swear to God, Tommy, if Minho wants us to dress up like sexy bunnies this year, I'm goin' to shove this sword so far up his bloody arse he'll feel it in his stomach."

Thomas grinned. "Thank you for the visual, Newt." He plucked the plastic katana from the blond's hands. "I'm sure he won't make us dress like that. He wants us to be scary not... sexy."

"Sexy is good." Minho grinned. He plopped a black cat headband on top of Thomas' head and snickered. "That's hot. Imagine Thomas naked with a leather leash and those ears."

Thomas' face burst in heat.

"Knock it off! He cried. He shoved the black cat headband into Minho's hard chest, both boys laughing. "I thought you said you wanted us to be scary!"

"I do. That doesn't mean I can't tease ya, shank. Although, I wouldn't mind the two of you dressing sexy if that's what you want."


"Hey shanks, how 'bout this?"

Newt pulled out a costume squished inside a plastic bag. The man on the picture was dressed like a cowboy riding an inflatable horse... or bull. Or a creature from hell. Thomas couldn't tell which.

"Sexy right?" Newt grinned.

Minho gaped the blond with an expression of pure horror.

"Put that down and burn it!"

"I don't know Min, it's kind of hot." Thomas played along. He traced the length of the image with a finger and gave the boy a sultry look. "I can see you rocking that sexy cowboy look."

Minho's flabbergasted expression whirled on him, all his humor replaced by true horror.

Thomas and Newt laughed again.

"No, no, no!" The boy frowned. He snatched the offensive costume away from Newt and shoved it deep into the far reaches of Narnia, never to be seen again.

"You slint-heads need to get serious! Pick a good costume or I'm breaking up with all fo you."

"Don't be such a baby!" Newt rolled his eyes, his expression playful. "We'll get serious."

Minho huffed in annoyance but amiably nudged the blond on his way to the next aisle.

Thomas went in a different direction, deciding on a costume. He scanned the rows of potential costumes with a critical eye. He pulled out a few possibilities: a pirate, a video game character, a very disturbing skeletal joker get up. Jeez, the mask on that thing was enough to give him nightmares.

With a heavy sigh, he returned his selections to the rack. Nothing he picked seemed exciting enough.

He made to find Newt and Minho when a black and gold costume caught his attention.

"What's this?" He pulled out the pick from the rack and examined the costume. It was meant to be Hades, the Greek God of the Underworld.

Thomas grinned.

"Hey Minho!"

He turned hurriedly and smacked hard into Newt's chest.


"Sorry Tommy," the blonde chuckled.

He grabbed the package from Thomas' hands before the boy could regain his bearings and examined it with a curious eye. His eyebrows rose into his hairline. "That's ironic. I was just going to show you the one I got."

From the shopping bag. Newt pulled out the package. Zeus, the King of the Gods was written in white, bold letters across the image, the man dressed as the god posing proud and regal. Thomas beamed.

"Are we going themed then?"

"I already bought mine so, I guess." Newt shrugged.

"This is great! I'm buying it!"

"Hold on shuck face," Minho threw his hands around Thomas' shoulders from behind, enveloping the shorter boy into an unsuspecting embrace. He took the costume from his hands and stared. He glanced at Newt's way, eyeing the blond's chosen costume with a thoughtful expression.

He suddenly pouted.

"I said I was going to buy you a costume!"

"And I told you I was going to buy my own." Newt retaliated, slipping the package back into the bag. "Besides, Tommy hasn't bought his yet. Just buy his and let's go home. I'm bloody starvin'."

"But I—" Thomas tried, but the older boy pulled away from him, costume still in hand.

"Nope, I'm buying it Thomas. I saw a Poseidon outfit before so we'll go as the big three." He rubbed his chin in thought. "Maybe we can ask everyone to go as the Greek Gods for the party too. That'll win us the prize for sure."

"If Gally isn't Hephaestus, I'm breaking up with you."

"You can't use that against me Thomas. That's my trick." Minho snickered.

"It works better with Tommy. I actually felt worried." Newt winked. He gave each of them a kiss on the lips before heading for the exit. "I'll be outside. Don't make me wait or you're both in the doghouse."

"Yeah, yeah!" Minho grabbed Thomas' hand with a grin. "C'mon, help me find all the gods. We're going as the Greeks and I'm not taking no for an answer."

Thomas laughed. He pulled Minho down the aisle, just as excited to gather the rest of the pantheon.

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