Part III

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Newt was on the lonesome twin bed against the wall, nursing a cup of jo' in one hand while checking the school schedule in the other, when his boyfriends returned to the dorm. He gave them a welcoming smile and gestured to a couple of mugs on the counter, already steaming in wait.

"Just made it. I figured you'd want some. There are cookies here too." He gestured to a container filled with chocolate chip cookies on the desk beside the bed. "A gift for Thomas, apparently."

Minho arched an eyebrow at the brunet.

Thomas rolled his eyes, familiar with the look. "Must have been from Teresa or Harriet. I saw them earlier on my walk."

"Tommy has many secret admirers." Newt laughed, though it didn't sound as genuine as it should have been. If anything, it sounded bitter. Minho, on the other hand, looked mildly annoyed. Almost as though he was unhappy for some inexplicable reason. Something warm and fuzzy wormed its way into Thomas's chest at the look on their expressions. Were they jealous?

He shut down his brain before it could spiral out of control. He grabbed a mug from the counter and joined Newt on the bed, slipping in with relative ease. He plucked a couple of cookies from the plastic container and gave Newt an appreciative smile.

"Thanks for the hot coco," He leaned his head against Newt's shoulder comfortably, mindful of their hot drinks. "It's a bit off season for hot coco though."

"Don't be silly. It's never off season for hot coco."

Minho joined them on the bed, his own mug in hand. He sat near the end by their drawn up legs, dark brown eyes falling on the sheet of paper in Newt's hand.

"Whaddya readin'?" He asked through a mouthful of cookie.

Newt scoffed in repulsion. "Swallow before you speak, Min. That's bloody disgusting. And this is my schedule for this semester. I picked up everyone's."

"I know my schedule." He countered. "Lots of klunk classes and track until my knees give out."

"What about you, Tommy?"

Thomas shrugged. He took a drink from his cup, savoring the sweetness of melted marshmallows and the slight bitterness of chocolate on his tongue.

"I think I can remember it."

Newt nodded in response, his face set in a slight frown.

Minho chugged the remainder of his hot chocolate and set the mug on the floor, much to Newt's distaste.

"So!" He began, patting his knees in excitement. "You shanks ready for some quality bonding?" He flashed them a grin, pearly white and positively lecherous.

Thomas stiffened his heart rate quickening. (He missed the way Newt turned to him, an inquisitive look in his eyes or the way Minho's expression sobered subtly.)

"We-we're just doing handjobs today, right? Like mutual masturbation?"

Minho's lecherous smile turned amused. "Yeah greenbean, we're taking it slow for ya."

"Don't call me that," Thomas sulked. His response only made the older boy smile more.

Newt turned to Minho then, silently questioning their change of plans.

"Oh yeah, Thomas looked uncomfortable with the threesome idea, so I told him we could take it slow for him. You don't mind right?"

He didn't. Thomas felt relieved. A part of him worried his inexperience would frustrate the duo, but so far, they'd been nothing but patient.

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