Chapter Twenty Five

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Those raven strands, that are so much longer than I ever remember them being, rest elegantly upon her chest. Her chocolate eyes scan the room coaxing that little vein in her forehead to rise in search of me. A soft smile relaxes her features when she spots me in the corner and she sighs in relief.

Regina strolls through the crowded room and leans down to greet me with a small kiss that only lasts a split second, but is enough to send my heart soaring. The doctor slides her coat off and drapes it across the back of her chair before she slides in next to me. She crosses one leg over the other and leans dangerously close into my personal space. Her eyes are dancing with mischief, but I can't keep a secret any longer.

"Harper and Clarke," I blurt out, stunning my wife and persuading her body to jolt back in confusion. Her brows pinch tighter as she tries to work out my word vomit, but I'm already pushing on. "I saw them! God Regina we were so wrong! How were we this wrong about our own children?" I shriek as she just shakes her head completely dazed about what's spewing uncontrollably from my mouth.

"Emma, what the hell are you talking about?"

My mouth springs open ready to explain, but then a younger teen girl stops in front of our table and places a white ceramic bowl between Regina and I. She smiles nervously before her eyes meet mine.

"There's the chocolate, I'll, umm, be right back with the rest," she explains before quickly scrambling back behind the counter to retrieve the rest.

"Emma," Regina begins in her warning tone that tells me all too clearly that I better divulge in any information I have locked away behind my sealed lips.

"Hold on," I motion my head to where the young girl is carefully carrying a plate with all different items spread out for our viewing.

"Enjoy!" The girl happily states and rushes off to attend to other customers.

"This looks amazing," I gush as my eyes take in the assortment of fruit, pretzels and crackers.

"Emma! Our daughter!" Regina scolds for my short attention span just as my hand is reaching for a strawberry to dip in the warm gooey chocolate.

"Oh sorry," I shake my head, but still proceed to indulge in this amazing fondue. "When I was leaving I saw Harper kiss Clarke," I explain in a hushed whisper so nobody around us can hear.

"What? Are you serious?" Regina blurts out as her eyes follow my hand, bringing the chocolate covered strawberry to my lips. I nod along and take a big bite out of the juicy fruit.

"Oh my god," I moan around the scrumptious dessert, "you have to try this," I encourage, shoving the plate closer toward my date.

"I will, but you sort of dropped a bomb on me right now."

"I'm sorry," I wince and swallow down the rest of my food. "I told Clarke it was time to leave, she had been hanging out with Sutton," Regina nods along, solely focused on my words so I pick up a piece of apple and dip it into the chocolate. "So, I forgot my fake duffel bag in my room and when I came out, Clarke was in Harper's room. She was whispering which caught my attention," I pause, holding up the fruit in front of Regina's mouth and wait.

Her eyes flick toward the delicious forbidden fruit, even more enticing now that it's slathered in melted chocolate. I lift the apple closer to her mouth and raise my eyebrows, silently demanding that she takes a bite. My date rolls her eyes and hastily takes a bite, nipping my fingers purposely along the way.

"Good, right?"

"Keep talking," she mumbles around the treat while I smile in return.

"So, Clarke was like, 'I wanted to say goodbye,' all shy and cute and then Harper leaned in and kissed her on the lips. It was all tight lipped and they were awkward, unsure where to place their hands and it was too freaking cute," I gush while Regina stares wide eyed, a glint of amusement tugging at her pouty mouth, but also fear striking in her eyes.

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