Chapter Thirteen

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"Before you go dear, may I have a word?" My mother in law kindly requests as I slip into my leather jacket.

I flip my curls over the red leather and slip my beanie onto my head, careful not to disrupt the curls I created and didn't take that much time to style. Not that I care...or am trying to impress anyone...

"Sure, what's up?" I question and slip my gloves into place.

"Henry and I received this gift card to a wine tasting and you know my husband," she rolls her eyes playfully but smiles with nothing but love. "Anyways, I was wondering if you would like to come with me tonight? This will also allow Regina some time alone with the children."

"Oh...uh, sure. Yeah, that would be great ma," I smile and lean forward to place a delicate kiss to her cheek. "I should get going though, Regina's in the car waiting."

"Of course, now don't ruin the surprise for Regina, I want to tell her myself. I don't need you taking all the credit for her bonding time with the children. You can have Regina take the truck home and I can meet you in town later."

I roll my eyes at the older woman and check my pockets for my keys. "Alright, I'll see you tonight," I confirm and quickly slip out the door.

My fingers twitch anxiously as I jiggle the keys in my pocket to distract myself from the butterflies swarming my stomach like bees buzzing around their honey filled hive.

This is not a date. This is not a date. This doesn't mean anything. She's just trying to coparent. Why did I curl my hair again for this?

My eyes peek through my long lashes that are dressed in thick mascara...because this is not a date. Through the truck's windshield I find Regina checking her impeccable makeup in the visor's mirror. Her plump lips are smacking as her fingertips dab gently just below her long lashes and instantly my face breaks into a shit eating grin.

It's a casual date...

My feet scurry across the dirt and dry leaves as I fumble for the car handle. The door creaks confirming its true age while I climb into the driver's seat. I focus on closing the door and starting the engine while Regina flips the visor closed and shifts uncomfortably in her seat, knowing she was caught.

"Ready?" I nervously question as the beat up truck roars loudly to life.

"Yes," she simply replies while I shift the vehicle into drive and we make our way down the long winding road.

Not even a full minute passes by before my fingers are reaching for the radio to kill this deafening silence. The first station that crackles through the speakers is country. I smirk to myself and listen for the exaggerated scoff from my ex, knowing all too well how much she doesn't care for it, but even still she makes no move to change the station.

"So...any particular items you have in mind?" I question as my fingers neurotically strum against the leather steering wheel.

"Not really. I was thinking maybe we would shop around until we found something that would work for each."

"Harper's been very intrigued by the architecture here, so maybe we can find something in that area," I suggest and out of my peripheral vision I can see Regina smiling and nodding along to my recommendation.

"Noah has been raving about the ice cave you took them to, maybe we can find something with that."


I smile feeling absolutely content in this moment and even though there's lingering tension, I still can honestly say I'm more relaxed with her by my side. I rather have her here and slightly uncomfortable than my mind running rampant with thoughts of her back in New York for the holidays with only Fiona. The thought alone makes my skin crawl and causes my body to squirm in my seat.

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