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Phis! Phis! Lauren screamed in her head, but there was no response. "I think Memphis is in trouble!"

Yet, everyone looked at her, not caring. "Why? Did a little birdie tell you so?" Aubrey said sarcastically.

"No! I can hear her thoughts with our mind control powers!" Lauren said angrily.

"And I'm secretly Hitler. Thank you, next." Beth added, also sarcastic. Lauren began to get worried.

"Screw you guys I'm going home!" Lauren yelled in frustion, tears streaming down her face.

As she left the mansion, ahe knew there was only one person to call: Michael Scarn.

She picked up her phone and dialed his number. "Scarn! I need help! Memphis is in trouble again, and nobody believes me."

"I'm on it." The man said. "I've got your back. Meet me at the Lamphole by the cigarette factory in Alaska in two."

"Two what?"
"Two seconds. Now GO!"

Soon, Lauren arrived at the Lamphole, where Michael was already waiting, knitting a purple sweater.

"So explain to me what happened." Michael said. He had loved Lauren and Memphis like his own. His wife had been murdered by Golden-Face so he never had kids.

Lauren told him what had happened: Gilly, MF Stick, Memphis' powers, the connection being cut off.

"There is a reason why I love you two so much. I think its time you know The Legend of Memphis. It all started seventy six years ago, when my wife was murdered."
"Wait a second- seventy six?? How old ARE you?"
"Irrelevant. While I was grieving, M.F. Stick came to me and told me the prophecy. That I would meet a girl who would overthrow Golden Face if she lived."

"What do you mean if she lived?" Lauren said.

That's Pretty By Memphis & LaurenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora