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The constant vibrating of the stressed engine rung through my ears. A cool wind brushing past me as my wrist gripped the throttle. Leaning to one side I easily weaved passed the other motorcyclist.

With a surge of confidence and a smug grin my hand twisted the throttle making me go even faster. I ignored the honking of cars as I passed.

For a second I felt elated. Like nothing in the world could stop me.

Only for a second.

A tire in the bed of a truck in front of me came bouncing out, right towards me. My foot pushed down on the breaks in a panic with no use whatsoever. Swerving the handles to avoid being hit I quickly lost control. For a second I was on top of the world. That second came crashing down before it even started.

They say your whole life flashes before your eyes when you die.

My body was tossed like a rag doll across the road. I could feel every painful snap of my bones, every scrape along my skin.

But right at that moment of the crash, what I saw instead was my future.


I should start from the beginning.

My name is Kang Seulgi. That's me rolling on the ground right there.

I believed youth was for adventure. If I didn't enjoy myself just for one day, I'd feel like I was wasting it away.

I moved from the Northeast to the South for university. I didn't give a shit about rules. I did whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.

That summer then, 19 year old me was about to embark on an unknown unforgettable adventure.

Edge of Innocence| SeulreneWhere stories live. Discover now