/∆•Dont touch her•∆\

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~Around 3 weeks later 😋

"Hey Y/N, wait up!" Momo called after me.

"Oh hey Momo WhatsApp ist it n-"

"I'm so sorry Y/N but please come to my party,"


"Please think about it!"

Momo bowed.


"Are you going to Momo's party?" Toru asked our group.

Their answers were yeses except from my no.

"C'mon Y/N that happened over a month ago you can't still hold that against her. Mina sighed

"I know it's hard but you need to move on," ochako added

"Holding long term grudges isn't healthy," tsuyu advised.


The next week at the Uraraka's

"Do I have to wear makeup?" I whined

"C'mon Y/N it's very subtle, now hush and stay still!" Mina was completely focused. On making me look pretty


"It matches the dress ok," mina said disming my whining

"Now let's do your hair!" She said dropping her makeup brush

"Up, or down?" She asked running her fingers through her hair

"Not sure," I sighed.


"Ummmm ok and there," mina had finished after about an hour.

"HURRY UP!!!" Toru yelled at the door losing her patience.

"We're done!!" mina yelled in a bubbly way.

I stepped out of my bedroom, with Mina clearly embarrassed,

"We look so cute!" Ochako squealed admiring our dresses.

"Are you ready girls?" A familiar voice asked.

I jumped a bi not expecting it.

"Dadddd" I whined out shock and embasssment

" Awwwww, I'm sorry hun." He apologized, "c'mon we don't wanna be late,"


We arrived at the party everyone in formal attire. A butler greeted us with appetizers.

"Thank you~" I hummed taking a couple of Caprese salad crisps.

C'mon let's party!" Mina said letting go of her held in excitement.

I followed her into a crowd of people. Momo had invited our whole year.

The boys were at it with some alcohol. Having a shot competition who could have the most shots before knocking out. This particular event caught Mina's eye.
"ooh oooh ohhhhh Y/nnnm~ let's do that!" She acting like an excited puppy.

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