I laugh at his words, feeling a slight touch of guilt. Luckily, he starts to laugh along with me as the waiters clean up the water that has found it's way onto the floor.

He grabs ahold of my hand while placing some money to pay for the milkshakes onto the counter. We leave the restaurant and, enter his nice, new truck. "What's the time?"

I press down on the power button of my phone to check the time."Nine o'six," I reply. "Alright. So, we have about a hour! What do you want to do?"

"For starters. We should probably head to your house so, you can change and, see what there is to do over there?" I suggest.

He agrees and we head to his house, arriving in less than ten minutes.

We are greeted by his younger sister and mother, both overjoyed for totally different reasons.

Candace tugs on my arm."Lacey! Lacey! Lets go play!" Lachlan's mom pulls her away from me. "Candace! Sorry Lacey. She just loves you!"

I smile politely."No need to apologize. Lachlan needs to change anyway! I have a few minutes." I get smiles from everyone. Apparently I am very good at wording things.

Candace ends up taking me up to her room so I could play Barbies with her while Lachlan changes.

"Sometimes I wish I looked like a Barbie but, I obviously don't look like one at all." Candace sighs while she brushes a black-haired Barbie that wears a way too small dress. "Your right. You don't look like them!" She frowns before I can finish. "You look even prettier! Those Barbies wish they looked like them!"

I hug her as I force one of the dolls legs up so, I can set it on one of the chairs in her "Barbie Dream House."

"You know what I think." Lachlan says, standing in the doorway, making us both jump as his sudden presence. "I think it's rude that there are no guy Barbies!"

"There are guy Barbies!" Candace defends like the dolls were real people. "Dad just always buys me the girls because I'm a girl, duh."

Every time their father comes home from a business trip he brings everyone presents. Candace gets a new Barbie doll, Lachlan gets whatever he is into at the time, and his mother gets a dozen roses. A few months ago, when his father had just came home. He even bought me a present. A really nice heart shapes locket that I still wear around all the time.

"Do you think you can leave us alone for a half and hour?" Lachlan asks her.

"If you pay me." She gives him a big smile, knowing it will bug him. He sighs,"A dollar?"


Lachlan walks off to his room and comes back with a five dollar bill. "I'll give this to you when I drive Lacey home."

Candace attempts to grab the dollar bill, getting a laugh in return from Lachlan as he pulls it away from her.

After a few minutes of arguing between the siblings, Lachlan finally walks away, satisfied with only losing five dollars.

"So," He sits down on his twin sized bed. "What do you want to do?"

"Seriously Lachlan!? You were supposed to come up with an idea!" He just laughs at my reaction, a perfect smile on his face.

"It's really hot in your room. I am opening your window." I didn't really give him time to object because I had already opened the window before he could say a thing.

"What if I like it nice and toasty!?" He fake pouts. "I guess I'm going to be covered in like, ten billion blankets tonight." I push him slightly. "Oh stop your complaining, Lachlan. It's beautiful out there! Why not embrace it!?"

Smile - LachlanWhere stories live. Discover now