Meet <3 Salang<3

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Hey guys this is a world translation.

P.O.V =Point of view

Maddi= Madison

Maya= Amaya

Kas/KJ= Kassie



Kassie's P.O.V

"COME ON GIRLS, WAKE UP. WE NEED TIME TO GET READY BEFORE ARE FLIGHT" I heard Maddi Scream from somewhere in are Apartment.

"Noona~ Ten more minutes please" Maya and I replied in unison from are beds, Which made us laugh a little.

"NO!" Maddi said walking closer to the room.

I turned to Maya and we both had that *Oh no mama bear's coming* Look, And immediately jumped out of bed to get ready, before Maddi came in. Maddi is the leader of the group, she the mama bear as we call her even though Maya is the oldest by a month, Maddi is the middle, I'm the youngest by 3days. We are all just Sisters Though. She keeps us in line and makes sure we are ready, prepared and On time for an audition.

Which reminds me......OMG WE HAVE AN AUDITION TODAY YAY!!!! >.< .Were going to Seattle to meet this high in Manager/Producer to perform for and hopefully he can sign us. I'M SO EXCITED......kind of nervous....but still excited.

I went into the bathroom in the hall brushed my teeth then jumped in the shower playing my music from my ipod. I was was in peace Until....

"KASSS!!! HURRY UP YOUR USEING ALL THE HOT WATER" Maya yelled through the door. Funny thing about our apartment... we only have 1 bathroom. '_'

Amaya P.O.V

Kas has been in there for 30 Minutes 30 FREAKING MINUTES!! The down side of living in a 1 bedroom and bathroom apartment because that's what we can afford until our career takes off but hay its home.

I really have to get in there. I have to get ready before we have to leave for our flight. I STILL BELIEVE WE HAVE AN AUDITION...Like OMG >_

"Finally" I say as Kas opens the door to the bathroom.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever" Kas says laughing giving my a smirk. Kassie has always been the nice, laid back, cool, *Swaggalious* as she says, Tomboyish but still a little girly type of girl. She is the rapper of the group. She is rebellious like me but I have to say in school with the teachers she is a goody goody.

She hates it when I call her that because she knows that I know she's not a GG with everyone else but laughs it off any way, like I said Laid back. But sometimes she can be really crazy or energetic, She is confident and she isn't really shy she is kinda brave.

I brushed my teeth, Jumped in the shower playing my music then when I was done hopped out and went to go get dressed with the girls.

Madison's P.O.V

I was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. I made Pancakes, Eggs, toast and bacon, It Smelled SO GOOD. I was the first one up so I had time to shower brush my teeth, get dressed and cook.

The girls on the other hand they didn't wake up until I called them for the 15TH Time. I set the table and got our bags ready at the door so we would be ready to leave for our flight. Its like a 35 minute drive to the airport. OMG i still cant BELIEVE we landed an audition to THE MOST HIGH IN MANGER/PRODUCER IN Ahhhhhhh XD.

I walked out of the kitchen to the bedroom to check if the girls were ready yet. Standing at the door i saw Kas was in the mirror fixing her outfit.

[Her outfit]

She had on White low cut shirt, no sleeves shirt that button up with a black collared, White see through jacket attached. She buttoned up the collar but the rest was free.

She wore a White slightly ripped skinny jeans with black pockets, her favorite black and white Adidas high top shoes. She straighten her black hair, She is mixed with Trinidadian [Indian&Jamaican] African American so her was naturally REALLY curly but when its straighten you can see the Indian in her. She also had a a lightly darkened Carmel skin to her.

She wore black and white bracelets with one sliver diamond earing and topped her outfit off with her black and white snapback. Snapbacks are her trade mark.

Maya was in the other mirror putting on some eyeliner.

[Her outfit]

She wore a hot pink short sleeved blouse with a black pencil skirt attached, And a pink and black belt. She wore black flats. she loosely curled her brown hair, And let it fall over paleish/ olive oilosh skin tone shoulders.

She topped her out fit off with hot pink and black headphones. headphones were her trade mark.

Maya is very energetic. She loves to have fun, she is sassy and she loves fashion. For her to be the oldest she acts like the youngest, but not in a bad way. Its funny when we say she's not mature and she pouts, saying 'I am mature'. But we love her she is our noona.

[My outfit]

I on the other hand had on a gray short skirt and a gray white stripped shirt with pink flowers on it, And a white Camisole over it.

I had my dirty blond hair up in a pony tail and I wore pink converses. My pink nerdy glasses framed my face. Nerdy glasses are my trade mark.

"Hay girls you ready?" I asked

"Yeah" they replied.

We went to the table in the kitchen and ate breakfast then I looked at the clock.


We grabbed are bags and headed out the door.


Hey guys please and enjoy Thx so much I'll be updating this story more often.

plz check out the Salang group members.

Me Trinniprincess

Amaya Japanese princess

Madison Koreanprincess

thx again

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