Chapter 9 "Midorijima"

Start from the beginning

Koujaku and Noiz argue.

Aoba: Don't mind them. This always happens. Anyways. *sweat drops* Night Valley has an industrial underground, grunge-style to it and is primarily dark and gray. 

Clear: *nods* The Aqua Forest is said to be a relaxing place. Its buildings are translucent, magical-like, and thick greenery grows all around. Its main color is blue!

Ren: *peaks out from Aoba's bag* Don't forget about Midnight Blue Coast. It's a wide, white, almost glass-like district. There is no greenery to be seen whatsoever.

You: So much information to remember... I'm gonna get lost if I go out alone.

Aoba: It's best that you never go out alone. Especially since you're new to the area. There are lots of Ribsteez. And some don't like new strangers.

You: Psh, I can fight them. Wait, what are Ribsteez. Is that a gang?

Ren: Aoba is right. (Y/n), it's best you go outside with someone, especially with knowledge of Midorijima. Ribsteez teams are gangs fighting wars against each other in the Old Resident District. When members of a team made up from some residents in the Old Resident District gather and fight turf wars. The teams paint alleyways and walls with their team's logo, marking their turf. All members, except the head, wear a tattoo of their tag art somewhere upon their bodies. Because most young people in the district do Ribsteez, people without tattoos are called "No Marks" and are often a target of harassment. Because of how widespread Ribteez is in the area, a majority of the player make fun of the people who play the virtual computer game "Rhyme".

You: Rhyme? Is it a game that just does rhymes? Like poems and stuff?

Noiz: *slightly triggered but keeps and emotionless expression* Rhyme is an immensely popular computer game. Anyone can participate if they own an Allmate. When competing anyone can use their mind to alter the visual battlefield. In the virtual field, one can enjoy the taste of things they could never have experienced otherwise. A Rhyme battle occurs simultaneously when Usui, the judge of the winner, appears. Rhyme normally has limitations to guarantee the safety of players. During a Rhyme battle, players strive to deplete the enemy's durability. Once a player's durability hits 0, the game immediately ends. Allmates of different kinds take up 'Avatar form' whenever they are in a Rhyme battle. The battle is done by commanding the Allmate to attack or defend, depending on the situation. Players take considerable damage when attacked, however, the sensation is limited mentally.

Aoba: They can also do a forced rhyme battle. *small glare at Noiz* A forced Rhyme battle called a Drive-by, is done without the presence of Usui. Anybody can do a Drive-by if they have proper knowledge. A Drive-by battle does not have any sort of limitations. This allows players to move and execute actions more efficiently than in a regular Rhyme battle. Consequently, the damage players take can affect the human body in reality.

You: What's an Usui?

Noiz: Usui is a is a non-animal Allmate and the judge for Rhyme battles.

You: Ooooohhhhh

Aoba: Just stay away from the Ribsteez. We don't want you getting hurt.

You: Pft. I can take them! They can catch deez hands! *puts up fists*

Ren: (Y/n) Before you can claim you can fight, here is some knowledge about the current Ribsteez here in Midorijima. Scratch is a Rib team led by Mink. The team is made up of criminals and ex-cons. Scratch is attributed to a number of crimes ranging from theft to blowing up buildings. Morphine is one of the strongest and feared legendary teams against Rib. Their strength is to be said a mystery, along with the mysterious disappearance of the entire team years. Stay away from Morphine at all costs. They have been taking over other gangs and have done suspicious activity. They are dangerous and we have very little knowledge of them. Their leaders are still unknown. 

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