Family Shopping

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The family of four had just arrived at the local grocery store. Annie, Steve and, Peter all got out of the car while Charlie, the youngest of the family just remained in her seat still tinkering with one of her little creations made of things that she had found around the house that day. Peter noticed that his younger sister hadn't budged from her spot in the car so he decided to go get her while Steve and Annie waited impatiently. Charlie looked up from her creation and turned to look at Peter through the window with that usual plain look of hers. "Charlie c'mon out" Peter said sweetly. "That's okay" Charlie responded flatly, still looking through the window at her older brother. "We might get some chocolate if you come with us" Peter said in another attempt to get his sister to come out of the car, and this time it worked. Peter moved to the side as Charlie pushed open the car door and hopped out. She closed the door behind her with a few clucks on her way over to Steve and Annie as they made they're way to the store with Peter following behind. "Hey, Peter can you go get us a shopping cart?" Annie asked Peter when she noticed how much closer he was to the carts than the rest of the family. "Oh yeah, sure thing mom" he responded as he headed over to the carts and pushed one over to Annie and Steve who had to hold onto Charlie's hand so she wouldn't wander off into the store somewhere. "Okay so we need bread, milk, cheese, and..." Annie lost her focus when she heard a few familiar clucks coming from Charlie. She had a slight look of annoyance at her loss of focus and Steve seemed to notice this so he decided to butt in. "Hey Peter why don't you go walk around with your sister? Maybe go find some snacks for us to buy?" He suggested. Peter looked over at Charlie who was still letting out a few occasional clucks which she usually did when she felt any type of discomfort or annoyance. "Hey Charlie how's that sound? We can go get that chocolate I told you about before" Charlie looked up at her older brother and just nodded with that same blank stare of hers. Peter smiled at his younger sister before making his way down the isle with Charlie following right beside him. She seemed to have a much better relationship with her brother than she did with anyone else. Steve and Annie just continued they're shopping, occasionally stopping so annie could look at a few new makeup products while Steve waited rather impatiently for her to hurry up so they could get home. Meanwhile Peter and Charlie were just simply roaming around the store looking for some snacks to pick out. "So how's school?" Peter asked. Charlie looked up at him through the corner of her eye when he asked this "good" she responded in that same flat tone of voice that she always had. Peter knew this wasn't true but he didn't want to pry if she didn't want to talk about it which she usually didn't. After a few more seconds of silence, all of a sudden Charlie looked up and made her way over to the candy isle almost leaving Peter behind. "Woah, Charlie wait up" Peter said with a chuckle as he made his way over to her side. He smiled as he noticed his younger sister looking up at one of the king sized Hershey bars. "Want me to get that for you charlie?" Peter asked rather happily. Charlie may have been...different in many ways from other kids but she was Peter's sister after all and he loved hanging out with her, she was a good listener as well. Charlie nodded along with a single cluck as Peter reached over her to grab the chocolate bar for her. Peter made sure to look at the packaging to make sure that there weren't any nuts in it and luckily the packaging had a "nut free" sign on it so he handed it to Charlie with a smile. "Thanks" Charlie responded quietly as she took the chocolate bar from her brother's hands. Peter suddenly noticed Steve and Annie at the other end of the isle with the shopping cart almost filled with groceries. "Peter, Charlie come on we're gonna go pay" Peter started making his way over to them with Charlie following slowly behind, still holding her chocolate bar close to her chest as she looked around. "Charlie come on, hurry up or else you might not get that chocolate bar!" Peter practically shouted over to Charlie who had now ran over to Steve and Annie, this time leaving Peter behind. She handed Annie the chocolate bar and then quickly went back to Peter's side who was now right behind the cart, helping Steve get the groceries on the checkout. "Charlie are you really gonna eat all of this chocolate?" Annie asked. Charlie just nodded with a single cluck and with that the candy was paid for and handed to Charlie. The cashier looked up for a moment after hearing the noise but then got right back to placing the groceries in bags for Steve and Peter to bring out to the car. Soon after paying and returning the shopping cart to it's place the family made they're way back to the car and drove home.

Notes: i don't know why i just figured it'd be cute if i made some stories based off of what they're everyday lives were like

Hereditary one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora