Merry Christmas

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It was Christmas morning and of course Charlie was the first to wake up. She was excited but of course her face didn't show it as she raced downstairs, waking everybody else up as she did so.
Peter was the second to get out of bed and run down to the center of ther living room where the tree and the presents were. Peter and Charlie were already tearing open the presents by the time Steve and Annie made it downstairs with the camera. It was like a little family tradition for the Grahams to take pictures and videos of everyone with their presents. Charlie opened up one of the gift boxes and pulled out the large stuffed bird that Annie had picked out for her at a toy store. She hugged it tightly as she looked at her mother, she wasn't smiling but it was pretty obvious that she was really happy with her new gift. Meanwhile Peter had opened up his gift box to find an Apple laptop. He smiled and looked over at Annie and Steve. "woah, shit! Thanks so much guys" Peter said happily. After the two of them opened up the last of their gifts, they handed each of their parents a gift that they had picked out or made for them. Charlie handed her mother one of her little handmade creations, which seemed to look like some kind of teddy bear made up of spare parts found around pretty much anywhere. "Merry Christmas" she mumbled. Annie smiled at Charlie and gave her a tight hug and a little peck on the cheek. "Thank you sweetheart, i love it" Annie said softly, and with that Charlie let out a few clucks. She was never the type to share her feelings or concerns with others. Peter on the other hand was. He handed Steve the new tie that he had picked out for him at the store with a kind smile. "Merry Christmas dad" Peter said as Steve took the tie from his son's hands "ah, great choice son" he said with a chuckle as he looked at Peter. Charlie had already managed to sneak back upstairs with her favorite gife in her arms; the bird stuffed animal. The rest of the day was just kind of a lazy day where everyone stood inside and slept, aside from Charlie of course, she went out to her treehouse with a blanket and her stuffed animal. She wrapped the blanket around her while she got right back to building her little creations out of things she had found around the house and outside after making a single Cluck sound. Merry Christmas ~ 🐦

Notes: i was too impatient to publish this so you get an early Christmas chapter.

Hereditary one-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें