I chuckled, wiping a tear away. "Thanks, Dean." 

When we got to the cabin, Dean passed out on the couch and I went to bed in the bedroom after raiding his clothes because I don't have any.

The sun woke me up, so I buttoned the flannel I took, I also had his boxers on, but I kept my bra. Then I went to the living room where Dean was sleeping. I fell over because Castiel was standing a few feet from the couch watching Dean sleep. I screamed which woke Dean and made him jump up. Then he yelled at Cas for being creepy.

"Are you okay, Storm?" Dean asked.

I nodded as I got up and rubbed my butt.

Cas looked at me sidewise. "Are those -- Dean's clothes?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"When did you take my clothes? Where are yours?" Dean groaned trying not to look me over. 

I jumped over the couch and sat next to Dean. "Well, since Sam took a year off and you were in Purgatory, I guess all my clothes just disappeared. Besides, I think I look good," I said, snapping my fingers. 

Dean arched a brow and gave a nod. "She's not wrong," he said to Cas.

"Shut up!" I yelled and slapped his arm, giggling a little. 

"In serious matters, Dean, Storm, I need your help. The Angel Samandriel... he's been taken," Cas explained with a serious tone.

Dean looked at him. "You mean Alfie, the wiener-on-a-stick kid?"

Cas nodded. "Yes. I -- I heard his distress call this morning."

"Alright, so, who snatched heaven's most adorable angel?" Dean questioned standing up and pulling me with him.

"Crowley," Cas said plainly.

Dean's face turned serious. He looked down at me then back at to Cas. "I'm listening."

I guess Dean won't forgive Crowley for taking me, but neither will I. 

Castiel continued to explain. "Samandriel is being held in the general vicinity of Hastings, Nebraska."

"The general vicinity? That's all you got?" I questioned with a scoff. 

Cas squinted his eyes at me. "Yes, which is why I need your help. It seems this is gonna involve talking to people."

"Come on, Cas, I thought you were a hunter now," Dean said. 

Which made me laugh. Dean passed by Cas and sat down at the table where the laptop was. 

"Well... I thought so, too, but... It seems I -- I lack a certain --" Cas tried to explain, 

Dean opened the laptop and porn started to play. He quickly shut the laptop and looked at me. "You saw nothing," he assured with a serious face. 

Cas and I didn't know what say, so we both looked away as Dean opened the laptop and clicked out of the porn. Then Dean cleared his throat. 

"Alright, what am I looking for?" He questioned. 

I bounced over and sat next to Dean. Cas followed and stood over Dean's shoulder. 

"Well, when you torture an angel, it screams, and that kind of pain, it creates a ripple effect of strange incidents." Cas paused and looked around the room. "Where's Sam?"

"Sam's gone," I softly said. 

"It's all right. Well, uh, find Alfie ourselves. Besides, Storm needs a hunt," Dean nodded and winked at me. 

The three of us hopped in the Impala. I made Cas sit in the back which made him kinda sad. 

We were in Geneva, Nebraska because that is where a guy got severely burned by a bush that randomly blew up. The three of us got our press outfits on. Actually, it was only Dean and me because Cas doesn't seem to change... ever... Dean and Cas went as the press while I "took notes" of their questions. Just to make not seem so weird that there were three people walking into the hospital. 

Dean knocked at the door, "Mr. Hinckley?" He questioned. 

The guy was in the bed all wrapped in bandages because the burns were so bad. 

"Hi. Uh, we're from the, uh, Geneva Gazette. I wanted to ask you a few questions about your ambush," Dean said with a nervous chuckle. 

"Yeah, well... I'd laugh, too, if it didn't feel like the sun just ate my face," The guy replied. "Why is there three of you?" 

"Sorry," Dean continued. "Uh, this young lady is being trained, so she's going to take notes. So it said that the, uh-- the bush talked to you, yeah?" 

"Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but, yeah," the guy muttered out the side of his mouth. 

I took a step forward. "It's not crazy at all. But would you mind telling us what it said?" I questioned, getting ready to write in my little notepad. 

The guy shook his head a bit. "No clue. Sounded something like... 'Sol-Voch" Yeah. "Sol-Voch-Tay.'" 

"Thank you very much, Mr. Hinckley," I nodded. 

After Dean questioned a little more, we left. He and Cas walked in front of me, Dean questioned Cas if he knew anything. I kinda just wandered behind the tall figures. 

Alfie couldn't be far from the bush that burned, so we decided to start there until demons were found. We drove and checked out nine different abandoned factories. 

"Hey, once we're done here, can we head back to that Beer-And-Bacon happy hour about a mile back?" I questioned, looking over at Dean then back at Cas. 

"That sounds like a great idea," Dean said happily, pointing his finger at me. 

Cas rose his hand. "Wait a minute guys. Those derelicts, they're demons. I can see their true faces."

Dean grabbed the binoculars. "Crowley's got that many Hell monkeys outside, he's got to have at least double inside."

"And angel warding. I can feel it," Cas sighed. 

"Well, the three of us, and a demon knife ain't gonna cut it," Dean groaned. 

"Okay, I'll get Sam," Cas suggested. 

I growled. "We don't need Sam." 

"Look, if Sam wanted in, he'd be here, okay?" Dean rudely told Cas, who was confused by the whole thing with Sam. "I got a better idea." 

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