She blushes and giggles at that. I'm surprised since normally, she would get flustered at that, but she walks towards me with a bit of a sway in her hips.

Goodwitch: A little bird told me that Blake is willing to share you with some people~.

Y/N: Stalker alert... but you have my attention~.

I walk closer to Glynda, soon closing the gap between us. I'm just slightly taller than her, and she's blushing hard. She leans closer to me and kisses me. I quickly sink into it, and hold the back of her neck. It soon turns into a heated make out session, and I pin her against the wall. We separate for the much needed air, and we're gasping for air.

Glynda: I take it you accept my feelings then~?

Y/N: Of course~. I can't resist a woman with a rack like yours and an ass to boot~.

She giggles more and walks away, giving me the hip sway again. I can tell what she's like in bed, and I'm loving the fantasies. I smirk and leave the training arena. As I walk out, I see Cardin and his gang. My face slowly turns to murderous, but they bow in an apologetic way.

Cardin: We're sorry for the trouble we've caused.

Russel: We promise to never bully anyone ever again.

Dove: Is it possible for you to train us to be better?

Lark: We wanna be to protect the students as well.

Y/N: Well well, team CRDL turning over a new leaf. I'm proud... and... I'll think about training you. For now, we need to get to class. I believe we have Professor Port right now. Well... I do, I don't know about you guys.

Cardin: We have Peach first thing.

Y/N: Well, get going. I'm off to Port's.

We go our separate ways, and I soon walk into Port's class.

Port: Ah, Y/N I presume?

Y/N: You presume correctly.

Port: Wonderful. You're early, so feel free to grab a seat anywhere.

I nod, and I sit in the back corner.

Port: Are you a coffee person? You look like you could use a cup.

Y/N: Hazelnut and two sugars.

I watch Port brew a batch, and he brings me a cup. I take a sip, and I sigh.

Y/N: You're already on my good list.

Port: If a teacher didn't offer an early student coffee, what kind of teacher would I be?

Y/N: You don't wanna know if you knew my world.

Port chuckled a bit, and went back to his seat. Soon after, the other students started to join in. I finished my coffee and I put it under the desk. I checked my watch, and it read 0905, and at that point, team RWBY and JNPR bursted through the door.

Port: Ah, RWBY and JNPR, you're late.

Ruby: Sorry, we kinda got lost.

Port: I see... I'll let it slide for now, but next time, try to be here earlier.

JNPR sat on one side of the class while RWBY sat around me on the same row. Blake being right next to me while Yang took the other side of me, leaving Ruby and Weiss on the ends. I smiled a bit, and threw the hood of my cloak over my head to hide it. Soon after, Port started going through his lecture, mainly about his childhood.

Timeskip brought to you by a chibi Weiss stabbing a boarbatusk (I don't know how to spell it, comment if you know)

Soon, the class ended, and we went to grab some lunch. Blake leaned against my arm while we walked, and Yang put my other arm between her mammaries.

Yang: You know you can touch them if you want~.

Y/N: Not here... later~.

I wink, and she smiles. Soon, we grab our meals and JNPR follows to our table.

Jaune: Hi there, I don't know if we met. I'm Jaune, short, sweet, rolls of the tongue, ladies love it.

Y/N: Sounds more like a person destined to die by a burning at the stake.

Jaune flinched at that, and I kinda laugh at that.

Y/N: I'm joking man, you're alright.

Ren: I'm Ren. It's a pleasure to meet you. I've studied about the Guardians, and it's an honor to meet one.

Nora: I'm Nora. My Oum, you're just gorgeous. Are you dating anyone? What's your weapon? Can you make pancakes? Am I going too fast?

I chuckle at the energetic girl.

Y/N: Thanks for the compliment, yes I'm dating multiple girls, I have three weapons, I can make you the best southern pancakes you've ever had, and I've dealt with Sparrow races, so I can go pretty fast.

Pyrrha: I'm Pyrrha Nikos. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Y/N: The pleasure is all mine, ma'am. I hope you don't mind me saying, you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I mean, my girlfriends are one thing, but emerald eyes... those are definitely something that astound me.

She blushes at that, and moves some of her hair over her lips, which I find adorable. I look over, and I see a pair of familiar bunny ears. I see little Velvet, sitting with I'm assuming is her team. I smile, and I finish.

Y/N: Well, I'd love to talk more, but I have to meet with someone.

Yang: You meeting with a sexy woman~?

Y/N: If my ghost is a sexy woman, than you'd be correct.

As if on queue, my ghost materialized.

Ghost: I clearly have a male voice, guardian. Plus, emotional attachments are irrelevant to an AI like me.

The teams laugh a bit, and I start walking away.

Ghost: I see you have a harem now, guardian.

Y/N: Indeed. I'm surprised by it.

Ghost: So, what did you wanna talk to me about?

Y/N: I wanna be able to try to get back to my world...

The Hunter of Remnant (RWBY x Male guardian reader)Where stories live. Discover now